@National Hockey League

Is this an overpayment?

Is this an overpayment?

by Sketchy-Profile


  1. Toronto2Calgary

    Absolutely not.

    Until he ghosts us in the playoffs again, then absolutely yes.

  2. Infidel_Castro68

    Only 4 years, huh? If the cap goes up, it’s not too awful but it just ensures they won’t have any money to build a real team around him. Same Leafs, different year.

  3. Rockhardwood

    Not on overpayment, but will never be a deal like everyone else’s 8 years turn into, and is so essential to winning. But he’s already done that once, so hardly surprising. Dudes got his motives and sticks to them.

  4. simvike

    If they win the cup, no. If they don’t win the cup, yes.

  5. Icy-Pause-7513

    Damn. This means McDavey gets 14-plus on his next deal unless he takes a team-friendly contract.

  6. Nice_Wolverine_4641

    When are these guys gonna start realizing you can’t take all the money in a cap league if you want to win?

  7. OIdChunkOfCoaI

    Two-way center with 191 points and 100 goals in his last 144 games. Nah.

  8. bvanbove

    He got about a $1.5 million dollar raise (from his last salaries AAV). While the only meaningful thing he won during that time was the MVP, that’s not a ridiculous raise for someone of his talent.

    It’ll only be an overpayment if they don’t win a cup and/or he drastically falls off.

  9. Cool-Following-6451

    Now nylander has the leverage to ask for 16 million

  10. lets_kill_time

    Hoping for more drama with the Nylander contract than this one. Leafs are NHL’s Hollywood.

  11. EarthenChild

    If he can learn how to play playoff hockey it’ll be a great, albeit a little short, contract. At this point, it’s have a cup in four years or less or I expect he walks.

  12. Losdangles24

    This makes me love Jack Hughes even more, and I didn’t think that was possible

  13. phonethrowdoidbdhxi

    Good lord yes, for a guy that can’t get you further than the 2nd? Hell yes.

  14. Alivefor25

    Same leafs, different year. Scraping for 3rd and 4th liners come playoffs because they can’t afford to pay anyone else on the team.

  15. Mackinnon is better and being paid less, locked up for longer.
    Suddenly macs deal looks real nice.

  16. dzogchenism

    Yes. Matthews ain’t gonna bring a cup to Toronto.

  17. PharoahNATO

    Toronto first line most overrated players in the nhl

  18. Grady__Bug

    Is it an overpayment? No. He’s worth that money. Does the hard cap make this a tough contract to live up to? Yes and I don’t see how this works out for the team

  19. Survive1014

    About right, but it also means big cap issues for Leafs soon.

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