@Florida Panthers

Marc Staal hit on Jason Spezza. April 18th 2012

Marc Staal hits Jason Spezza to the head while Spezza is skating head down and seems to be injured on the play.


  1. Drops his head down, and cuts to the middle right when Staal is about to hit him. He injured his shoulder, not his head. Came back in the 3rd so I guess he's fine.

  2. I was at the game. There were sooooo many missed calls, and bad calls, on both sides… As for the Girardi play, there was a penalty… and no blood. 2min PP for the Rangers. Funny thing though… the stick came up on follow through, and was below the shoulders of the shooting player, which is not a penalty… Another Bad call.

  3. If you look closer, Staal's fist and Elbow go to Spezza's head. At the very worst this is a fine from the league, but should have been 2 minutes for hitting to the head.

  4. Technically point of contact was head, but Staal was going backwards with him so not that viscious of a hit by any means, if anything it would tweak a muscle.

  5. watch it in fast motion. you can hear Staals stick hit Spezzas stick. Stop going around to every video of this pretending you are a fucking official. Your an idiot who doesnt like the Rangers.

  6. That's what I've been saying all series. The Rangers are an average team, Lundqvist is the only reason they are where they are.

  7. I don't agree. He only gets hit in the head because he cuts to the middle and has his head down right when Staal goes to hit him. He cut to the middle, when he saw Staal was going to hit him. Any hockey player (Including Spezza) will tell you that it's his fault.

    If you want to give him 2 minutes for the hit, fine, but where's the 4 minute double minor (he was bleeding) for Michalek's high-stick on Girardi? That's a guaranteed penalty, and the ref was looking right at it.

  8. It was a hit to the head, right? And that's not even how you're suppose to hit a guy, you hit him with your shoulder.

  9. Did you not see the slash to spezzas hand? That made spezza lean forward, and Staal capitalized with a hit to the head. While i do agree, that his body is low, it's staal that actually causes spezza to lean in and when spezza was asked if he thought the hit was clean..he said it was dirty.

  10. disagree…watch staals stick hit spezza in the hand, after that, spezza leans in and staal capitalizes…it should be a fine and a penalty

  11. oh sorry, the sens did, my bad..i will say that they should've called both….but girardi exagerated that harrdd!v He looked like a ballerina when he got tapped

  12. stop the vid at 11 seconds..staals stick hits spezzas left hand and then his stick 🙂 but hey, i guess that's spezzas for getting slashed

  13. HAHA if your calling that a slash lets rewind the game and see how many times Ottawa slashes and cross checks NYR.

  14. look, there was a lot of missed calls for both sides…and there were calls that should NOT have been calls for both sides…let's just agree that the officiating has been terrible in this series :-D. I;m just shaking my head sometimes though, when a ref is STANDING RIGHT THERE and keeps his whistle tucked..and then all of a sudden, they feel like they havent called anything in a while, and jus blow the whistle on a dumb play

  15. You're trying way tooooooo hard. It's clear you've never played hockey. A slash doesn't cause you to lean forward. Spezza leans forward because he lost control of the puck and then when he curled in back in, he tried to cut to the middle (he saw Staal was going to hit him so he tried to cut) but because he was leaning forward, he got clipped in the head.

    It's accidental, and doesn't happen if Spezza isn't leaning forward. The real penalty is the double minor that wasn't called on Michalek.

  16. Pretty sure your the only one in the world who thinks that way. Oh, and learn how to spell.

  17. Is that so? take a look at the video one more time…and observe spezzas body lean forward AFTER contact with staals stick…it wasn't because he lost the puck. Although spezza did come in with his head down, the impact of staals stick altered his body downward

  18. You should probably stop replying now. you're embarrassing yourself. I already explained what happened to you.

    You're probably the type of person that wants Staal suspended/fined for this hit, but think Neil's hit from last night was ok.

  19. On the contrary my friend, I don't want Staal suspended…i thought he should have at least gotten a penalty and MAX a fine. OH and YES Neil's hit was CLEAN! It seems to me that only Rangers fans believe Neil's hit was dirty…WHILE THE ENTIRE NHL says it was a good solid hit! and if you really believe it was dirty..i`d like to hear your explanation of why..because i just think ur blinded at the fact that ur a rangers fan, boyle got a concussion, and that`s the reason why u believe it`s dirty.

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