@Toronto Maple Leafs

Matthew’s takes a pay cut to stay with Leafs, adjusted for Inflation.

When you adjust Matthew’s salary for inflation his 11,640,250 signed in 2019 would be 13,854,363 in 2023 dollars.


by turkey45


  1. kingex11

    What’s the percentage of the cap? That’s the number that matters.

  2. SpicyP43905

    Are we looking at this as him keeping money on the table?

    Personally I see it more as him not making his contract out and screwing us over financially. I see it as more of a fair and reasonable deal, but what do I know

  3. JamesCurtis24

    So here’s two major things that are different from Matthews’ last negotiation. 1) He was scheduled to be a UFA, not an RFA. 2) I can promise you that if Matthews went to UFA next summer, he would get several offers above $13.2M

  4. ilikewinning2

    This is such an irrelevant take. % of cap is the measure, not inflation.

  5. JustOneInMyLifetime

    Anyone who thinks this is a bad deal for the Leafs, I don’t know what to tell ya. The next contact he gets when he’s already 30 years old is gonna be the bad one

  6. Whiterhino77

    Except the NHL salary cap and consumer inflation are completely different. NHL cap has gone up 1 mil total in the last 4 years

  7. PresentAd3536

    So impressed with Matthews dedication to our team!

  8. Intelligent_Chair901

    Also his cap hit % is IDENTICAL to Mackinnon. $13.25M @ $87.5M = $12.6M @ $83.5M. Great deal here by the Leafs to lock up a true franchise player for the remainder of his prime.

  9. Flashy_Ferret_1819

    All the mental gymnastics aside this contract once again shows that the Leafs have one salary structure for their stars and the rest of the league has another. The RFA deals were horrible and were the moment they were signed. Compared to the rest of the league and the deals that other teams sign their star to this one also sucks, just not as badly.

  10. leafsfan96

    Everyone that want this to be a good deal always never frame the argument around what the going rate around the league is.

    Matthews first deal AAV was right (between Eichel and McD) but for 5 yrs not 8yers. If he was in line with the Market at the time he’d be at 11.634 for the next 3 seasons after this coming one.

    Now they’re paying 13.25 for 4 years when Mackinnon signed for 12.7 x 8 coming off a cup. They’re the same tier of player, you can argue Matthews is better, and you might be right but going into a 7 game series I know who I’d prefer as my top C.

    for those worried about him falling off a cliff at 31 that is very doubtful in my mind. I’d find it very unlikely that his next deal is cheaper than this one, and hey since he’s all about maximizing earnings, he could take an 8 year deal at 31 for say 14 mill (cap will be higher then). Which would have a lot of long term pain , since it’s hardly a guarantee anyone will be a star past the age of 36 let alone 39

  11. Captain_Self_Promotr

    He was an RFA without a Hart, Dubas got bent over the barrel last contract and the lack of cap space likely cost the Leafs several deep playoff runs.

  12. thenamescyrus420

    Still, $13.25m is a lot for a player with a 7yr track record of disappearing when games actually matter…

  13. I think the general consensus is that McDavid is a max salary player, and will get 15+ on his next deal. Max salary was $16.3M last year. Looking at it from this perspective and you realize $13.3M is fair value as Matthews is not the same level as McDavid.

  14. 70yroldFAN

    Somebody do the math please! Seems to me in 12 years in the league, Mathews will have made somewhere around 105 million dollars at the end of this contract. I might be off a couple million…

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