@National Hockey League

Is John Tavares a Hall of Famer?

Is John Tavares a Hall of Famer?

by [deleted]


  1. OIdChunkOfCoaI

    He seems like a player who will get in because of international accolades. His NHL career on its own has not been impressive enough to get him in.

  2. Bouldergeuse

    I think relative rank to his contemporaries is a good way to keep the Hall consistent across generations. How did Tavares rank in points, goals, whatever, compared to his peers season-over-season? Was he consistently top 3 in anything?

    I dont think it’s just hardware or bust (otherwise there will be a shortage of offensive forwards making the Hall in the McDavid era), although of course it helps.

  3. TayOs1998

    No not yet, however if he hits 500 goals then yes because that’s essentially a guaranteed ticket to the hall.

  4. togocann49

    He’s a possibility for sure. I’d rank him below Modano (for now). But 2-4 more productive years, he’ll likely get in

  5. newphonewhodis2021

    I’m not going to say he’s HOF, only because he doesn’t just not have the acumen but he also seems to lack many of the intangibles that seem desirable in a leader. I have watched the “Core Four” as much as any other fan and watching him not lead in the playoffs is always so hard. This last year I saw some grit and determination to finish off and get into round 2 but then it’s like the gas just ran out.

    That’s an encapsulation of his leadership and really of his career. He’s got enough to make noise but not enough to be a finisher.


  6. They voters should tell him that he’s going to make it in, get his hopes up and lead him along for a few months . Then they can go with another player and say that they knew that they were going to do it the entire time.

  7. elsombroblanco

    Not if he retired today. But with a few more good years, yes. Or a few decent years and a cup would do it too.

  8. maclovesbigbooties

    Hall of good 👍 hell of a hockey player

  9. Educational_Chef4220

    Nope, needs a cup at least.

  10. TJTrapJesus

    Shouldn’t be but there have been some questionable recent additions that have made it in so wouldn’t rule it out. He is a two-time Hart finalist and has all the international success.

  11. LeadershipReady11

    Nope, never won anything no awards

  12. Pratius

    I think based on stats he’s gonna have a strong case by the time he retires, but the lack of hardware is gonna hurt him a lot. I don’t think he makes it in

  13. PhilMcCraken2001

    If he captains the leaf’s to a few cups (I know haha) then absolutely. He’ll hit 1000+ points, 500+ goals, 600+ assists. But no cups with no hardware then he’ll be on the outside looking in.

  14. CraftierAverage

    Im not sure what he has for hardware but as far as im concerned hes a good player but just doesnt scream out Hall of fame.

  15. EyeHeartBidets

    If he hits 500 goals, I don’t see how you keep him out

  16. DontTellMom420

    u/sketchy-profile why do you always delete your posts if they don’t get enough karma?

  17. Euler007

    If he can get traded and wins a few cups he has a chance.

  18. IamBobSacomano

    Not even the best player on his team and hasn’t been since he was on the isles. He’s probably not even too 3 if you account for playoffs. If he gets in you’re just rewarding a front runner

  19. Double_Reward230

    Well once he hits that 1K point mark he will be for sure!

  20. El_Kabongg

    His uncle John will remain the only hall of famer in the family

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