@Vancouver Canucks

Daniel Carcillo vs Luke Schenn Sep 17, 2009

Daniel Carcillo vs Luke Schenn from the Philadelphia Flyers at Toronto Maple Leafs game on Sep 17, 2009.


  1. LOL leafs fan saying carcillo is a pussy, Schenn is the one who refuses to drop and then he pushed on carcillo to be sure there would be no fight.

  2. @MarcSavardisapussy I see we have another butt hurt kid angry at Philly fans because the Flyers are the best team in the NHL right now. Really? Who the fuck cares if Crosby is the best player? If his team isn't better than the Flyers, then I am TOTALLY FINE with it. Trust me on that kiddo 🙂

    Crosby can be as good as he wants, he is only one man. And as a unit, Pittsburgh can't even come close to Philly now.

  3. @SuperColossal33 /watch?v=F2Qtef3DECI

    And again his own size. Can you show me videos are Carcillo getting KO'd in a fight? Because I can go on. Seems like Orr is only really tough when the person he is pushing isn't fighting back? Great job by Orr hitting Carcillo when he didn't wanna take a penalty. Great discipline by Orr. Class act.

  4. @sokissablegurl
    the second he fought gaborik, the "orr is in a different weight class" arguement lost any value

  5. Carcillo realized he was about to take a beating and he wanted no part of it so he turtled

  6. @sheegan8 beating? if thats what you call a beating, then you have no clue what your talking about. schenn pushed carcillo to the ground.

  7. @17MJG93 Yeah Carcillos gonna come after a guy who weighs 20 more pounds and is 4 inches taller, get real

  8. schenn will never blossom into the player leafs fans (and upper mgmt) hope he will. LEAFS WILL NEVER MAKE THE PLAYOFFS AGAIN!!!!! loserssss

  9. — Carcillo gets tossed around by a top prospect who's barely finished puberty. Hahahahaha.

  10. I like this fight actually. Schenn isn't the best fighter, he and Carcillo knew that, so instead of just backing down, he dropped the gloves and used his strength to pull Carcillo down without allowing him to throw a punch. A very smart fight by Luke Schenn

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