@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Frank Seravalli] Matthews camp was not willing to go beyond 4 years. Leafs pushed for longer.

[Frank Seravalli] Matthews camp was not willing to go beyond 4 years. Leafs pushed for longer.

by Uggone65


  1. RichRingoLangly

    I’m just ~~glad~~ so fucking stoked he’s staying in Toronto!

    Edit: Needed more energy, this is amazing.

  2. haydenz23

    After hearing this I feel better about the term. Thrilled he’s here and chose to stay. More worried about what this means for Willy & Marner.

  3. Well, it’s a risk for Matthews too. Especially given he was playing with a wrist injury basically this entire year.

    Leafs have Matthews until he’s in his thirties. This deal could quite easily benefit the Leafs as well.

  4. Gunners_are_top

    13.25 is a solid number. He easily could have asked for me and we would have caved.

  5. The-Only-Razor

    Whatever, I was already prepared for this deal not being 6-8 years. It was never going to be ideal. Now we just hope for some big cap bumps and the deal will hopefully look better in the last couple years of it.

    At least Auston Matthews is still a Leaf. Can’t be mad about that.

  6. Volderon90

    Dubas would have gone 3 by 15 so we’re good here

  7. DaltonFitz

    How long until other fans start talking about him leaving after this extension? I give it 4 hours.

  8. NopeItsDolan

    It really sucks that we’re the only team that gets raked over the coals like this.

    It’s good though, I guess. Cheering for a team to be competitive within the salary cap structure is fascist and means you support billionaires. It’s good and woke to cheer exclusively for individual players to make as much money as they can.

  9. TiredReader87

    Dubas would’ve given him $15 million for 2 or 3 years. Thankfully he’s gone

  10. GoombaStoppingHoes

    I think it’s obvious if he and the squad can’t get a cup in the remaining years he’s able to cup chase at 31 elsewhere. Unless he decides to retire as a leaf after it ends, he is able to get paid fairly well at that age still and at the same time go somewhere and maybe take a cut if he wants to win so badly.

    Edit- and this gives Toronto the final years to actually win and if it doesn’t work out he’s technically moveable with retention since his contract isn’t long term so kickstarting a rebuild and getting a haul would be good.

  11. Should have taken him to UFA and called his bluff. If he really wanted to stay then he would have, and if he didn’t then that tells you all you need to know about his desire to win in Toronto.

    If you only want 4 years that’s fine, but you shouldn’t be getting the highest AAV in league history.

  12. chai_bronz

    If they wouldn’t go beyond 4 years we should have just signed for 2 and made a place for McDavid when his contract is up.

  13. NervousBreakdown

    so glad lou not only fucked us with that 3rd year of the marleau deal, but also brought in the kind of mentor who was the master of short term deals to maximize his earning potential.

  14. AustichMavarlander

    Stfu Frank the Clown Seravalli…. guy looks 60 and hes like 36

  15. kongartist

    5 years more at a modest raise? I’m good

  16. I predict the short term will bite him in the ass with his injury history.

  17. joerph713

    Surprised a habitual postseason underperformer with a history of wrist injuries didn’t want longer term. Oh well, I guess he figures some other dope GM will shovel money at him too when this contract expires.

  18. My gut reaction was “of course it’s only 4 years,” but it’s actually kind of freeing to know that we have Matthews locked up for his prime and don’t have to worry about him regressing under contract. His next contract might even be lower, you never know. Even if he lights it up and earns a huge contract at age 31, that’s a good problem to have over the next 5 seasons. Let’s win the Cup!

  19. TorontoJueBlays

    Four years for the biggest AAV ever. Good lord.

  20. terminese

    Now let’s hope that he grows some playoff balls and plays like the highest paid player in the NHL.

  21. AdamPhool

    What I find most interesting about both of Matthews contract signings is how quiet they’ve been in the media.


    Really makes you realize just how much noise and media manipulation was being spun by the marner camp during his last contract

  22. Phil_and_his_profile

    I’d have expected a lower AAV for such a short term. I’d be OK with 13.5 for 6+, but not for only 4.

  23. silentblender

    Can’t believe Dubas would let this happen

  24. Flashy_Ferret_1819

    I don’t hate the length, but 4 years and highest AAV in the league just proves that the Leafs have one salary structure and the rest of the league has theirs. THIS is exactly the reason that his contract *should* have been for 8 years coming of off entry level for the money he got.

    No other team in the league gets held hostage by their own players quite like the Leafs, and no other team seems to give in so easily. Having to resign Willy or let him walk for zero return and having to give Marner what he’s going to demand it won’t matter if the cap goes up, how will they ever build a complete team like this?

  25. Murky-Smoke

    And that’s also why he didn’t get a no trade clause with the contract either.

    This is actually a great scenario for the Leafs.

  26. TorturedFanClub

    This deal will benefit the Leafs going forward imo. Big risk for a player to not take the guaranteed money for 8 years. The time for an 8 year deal was in the hands of Doofus. He bungled all the big contracts on the team which is why we are here. Matthews will not be worth more at the end of this deal regardless of cap increasing. How many players get better or at least don’t dive as they get into their 30s? Crosby? Ovie? Maybe AM is one of those guys but maybe he isnt.

  27. elcabeza79

    >Matthews camp was not willing to go beyond 4 years. Leafs pushed for longer.

    No fucking kidding! lol I wish my job was as easy as Seravalli’s.

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