@Philadelphia Flyers

Sean Couturier vs David Backes Oct 8, 2016

Sean Couturier vs David Backes from the Philadelphia Flyers at Boston Bruins game on Oct 8, 2016.


  1. Of course. another clean hit demands a fight. I'm sick of hitting being weeded out of the game.

  2. Idk how someone can pay backes that much money for 5 years. Jerkoff Edwards is loving it for now

  3. After reading the great commentary on this video I have to say Jack Edwards and Backes are great for Boston. I guarantee all the haters wouldn't be 1/100th as good or entertaining at either job yet are jaw jabbering all over the place. You must have sad lives to not enjoy this stuff!

  4. Clean hit. Even fight. Biased commentary. Pretty much the only way to break this down. I miss Backes in STL. Good luck Bruins!

  5. take them stupid fucking helmets with the shield on it off when you want to fight girls old school HOCKEY fighter MrGooN

  6. Backes usually only picks fights with smaller guys who don't fight. Even then, he usually gets his ass kicked.

  7. Its weird Couturier is a softspoken guy who doesnt play physical and only fights like once a year but its always against a pretty tough guy and he always does well.

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