@Columbus Blue Jackets

McDonald and Smith reflect on their big fight

November 16, 2012 – Lanny McDonald and Billy Smith reflect on their big fight during a game in the late 70s.


  1. "If you're gonna start something, you should at least stand up and follow through". Gotta respect that!!!

  2. "If you're gonna start something, you should at least stand up and follow through"… Wow! This should be a standard work ethic for people of any trades, any professions at all. Good philosophy, Billy!

  3. My mother told me she baby sat Billy and his brother Gordie(Washington Caps D man),but just couple of times,because the brothers were always fighting…so it started young.(Perth Ont.)

  4. Back when men were men. You finish what you started, and left it out on the ice. Players policed themselves. Now it's babies and whiners in a game so soft it's boring as hell.

  5. Love him or hate him… the man was a legend… all those Stanley Cups… he was a big part of a Dynasty. As a Leaf fan, I hated him but respected what he did. That's just the way hockey is. God bless both those legends.

  6. Love to see how many games Smith would manage in the NHL now with video technology. Banned for most of his first season then slung out of the game

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