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Prost Chases Senna | 1993 British Grand Prix

Vintage action from the British Grand Prix archives as Alain Prost hunts Ayrton Senna…

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  1. A diferença de carros era gritante. Prost, como um piloto meticuloso, devia se irritar muito com essas defesas do Senna, porque ambos sabiam que os ritmos dos carros eram muito diferentes, Prost podia andar fácil 1s mais rápido, simplesmente não fazia muito sentido defender a posição desse jeito. Mas isto era na cabeça do Prost. Senna era brasileiro e não existia o verbo desistir no vocabulário.

  2. No fundo prost respeitava senna porque sabia que o maior de todos os tempos estava ali na sua frente mesmo com um carro inferior,nao veremos mais tal coisa….

  3. It's nice to watch this without hearing music or some annoying commentator screaming about who's passing who.

  4. I can't imagine how frustrating it must have been for Prost. All the measured skill and experience in the world couldn't account for the intangible genius of Senna.

  5. Senna Braking is well beyond the Williams, hence why he eas able to overtake almost every time..

  6. Dois monstros do nível mais alto. Senna era jogo duro de passar. Um dos melhores pilotos com habilidade defensiva que a F1 já teve. Enquanto isso, Prost corria como Prost, paciente e se aproveitando do canhão que era essa Williams pra fazer o rival desgastar o carro se segurando na frente como dava. Foram os melhores das suas gerações (considero o Prost de uma geração anterior ao Senna) e ainda dividiram o grid com outros monstros do mesmo nível ou quase (Lauda, Rosberg, Piquet, Mansell, Häkkinen, Schumacher, Hill).

  7. Lewis Hamilton should watch this, and then soon realise that it’s called driving and racing a F1 car, enough with the moaning, and whining, just get on with the job in hand and DRIVE just DRIVE The Car and Shut Up!!!! 😅

  8. He knew he's got a more superior car, so patience was the key. I still admired Prost's methodical approach in racing.

  9. DRS ruined these types of lap by lap legendary battles its actually insane the legendary amount of racecraft in this video and it makes me kinda look at modern f1 slanted 🙁

  10. Shows how great Ayrton was, that Williams was light years ahead of the competition and Senna was driving an under powered McLaren with a customer Ford engine, Prost should have easily got past him, yet Senna's brilliance shone through, Prost eventually got past, but not without difficulty. I miss how F1 used to be, especially the 80s & 90s.

  11. Ayrton Senna was out of this world.
    We have had no driver genius of this talent since his passing.
    The number of world championships held does not always a reflection of actual abilities.
    Salute Ayrton. ✌️🏎⭐️

  12. na minha opinião foi a melhor temporada do Senna, que mesmo não levando o campeonato, mostrou ao mundo que foi, é e sempre será o melhor piloto de todos os tempos. Correndo com essa carroça, com 80cv a menos do que as Williams, fez coisas assombrosas como na primeira volta do GP da Europa (Donnington Park).

  13. Prost didn't want to compete against Senna in the same team because he knew he was out classed by A. Senna that last championship Prost won was handed to him on a plate
    They said in the war never trust a french man🖕💩😤

  14. O Senna deu aula de geopolítica também. Só provou que o Brasil é um gigante e que a França é um pequeno país invejoso.

  15. Talk about disparity in the cars' straight-line speed. Kudos to Senna for fending him off as he does.

  16. Senna was always a rolling roadblock. It’s a skill I suppose.

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