@Calgary Flames

Zadorov hits down-and-out Ellis & receives 10-min misconduct

Nikita Zadorov received a 10-minute misconduct for going at Ryan Ellis while he was already down.


  1. thing is, when you try to sidestep a check like that, you make it dangerous at best – man up and take the body check to make the play.

  2. Nashville fans are hilarious homers. Ellis was worse with the knee.

  3. Ellis was clearly going for a full body hit. He got sidestepped that hence the knee on knee contact. Penalty? Yes. Dirty? No.

  4. Ellis hot wasn’t dirty, he was going for a shoulder check and ratanen tried to dodge but his leg got caught making it seem like a knee on knee (intentional)

  5. Kinda like what happened in the pens game, where the pens guy kept hitting the flyers dude while on top of him, but the ref had to wait 10 seconds after that ended and the flyers guy retaliated to call it a penalty

  6. I can't believe Zadorov got a 10 minute major for that when Ellis folded and cowered… the preds are Muffs.

  7. Avs fans forgot what playoff hockey looks like from all those years off apparently. 😂 screaming their heads off for a penalty anytime there was any physicality. But this…. come on. Obviously unintentional. Who would want to risk hurting themselves for the rest of the playoffs.. especially being up by that many goals..

  8. Hit? That was anything but a hit. Gotta protect your teammates, even if it's your last game.

  9. What are you talking about? Zadorov got 2 minutes for interferene and left the ice because there was less than 2 min remaining on the clock.

  10. If Ellis was trying to trip the Avalanche player he would have bent his knee more, that wasn't intentional. I think Ellis meant to hit the guy cleanly but he missed. As far as the Zadorov hit goes, this is playoff hockey, so that should have only been 2 for cross-checking or roughing. Ellis, even though it wasn't intentional, deserved 2 for tripping.

  11. What a bunch of click bait garbage not gonna subscribe to this channel anymore. “Down-and-kind of on his knees but not really out-ok he was fully conscious and the retaliation on Ellis wasn’t that bad” is how the title should’ve read.

  12. Ellis went for a clean hit but Rantanen tried to sidestep. But facts is facts and the hit was knee on knee and i think a double minor is in place. A minor for Zadorov for roughing.
    But biggest problem is the refs so inconsistant. They have missed some absolutely terrible hits and still just first round.

  13. Preds were playing a very dirty game. The AVS locker room is very close. Zadorov was targeted all game by the Preds. I hope they lose.

  14. Because I'm an Avs fan my comment will be discounted by some, but I have real questions about the officiating in this series. This is perhaps the most questionable 10-minute major penalty I personally have ever seen. Do objective hockey fans out there truly believe that if Filip Forsberg had done the same thing that he would have been tossed from the game? I don't. There is footage of referee Dan O'Rourke getting Forsberg's attention in order to tell him how much he liked watching him play ("Very nice move the other day. Always nice to watch.") I'm not making that up.

  15. I just want to know why the avs get so miffed about losing that gigantic mongrel. It’s not like he contributes anything other than just being a thumper. He’s not a hockey player

  16. Drunken Canadians at SPORTSNET with another crap headline. "Down-and-out"? Who are you kidding? I'll fix it: Ellis Knees Rantanen, Zadorov Makes Him Pay. I'll send you my bill.

  17. Ellis goes for a cheap shot knee on knee…. and Zadorov could have killed him but held up…and still gets the worst of it… wake up NHL all this says is next time kill him being as the penalty would be the same….what a joke…

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