@Tampa Bay Lightning

Mike Fisher vs Victor Hedman Apr 8, 2010

Mike Fisher vs Victor Hedman from the Ottawa Senators at Tampa Bay Lightning game on Apr 8, 2010.


  1. Hedman was definately asking for it and Fisher showed him what happens when he does that. Good move by Fisher to say that he didn't wanna go at the end. He was probably just warning him that if Hedman fucks with him again it's going to be worst than one punch.

  2. @priorityselection fisher's a class act, i wouldn't be surprised if that's what he was saying

  3. 6'6 Swede vs a 5'10 Canadian, once again, I take the Canadian every time. Nice win Fisher.

  4. @priorityselection Fisher is one of the classiest acts in the NHL, there is no doubt in my mind he didn't want to fight one of the bright up and comers in the league, and definitely didn't want to hit him as well as he did in the face, which could've possibly side lined him for a while. At the same time though, he stood up for himself and didn't wait for a tough guy to show up and get in Hedmans face, definitely classy by Mr. Underwood. lol.

  5. @PhreerideErik pfft, what do you expect from a star? it's all looks and vocals for her :p

  6. @lavatahir That doesn't make any sense. Fisher provoked him. If you know anything about Hedman, you know he will not fight if he can avoid it. I've seen him get punched in the mouth by a player and just shrug it off. Not that he's a pussy, he just tries to be professional and let his skill, not size and fights define him.

  7. @raidmommy Swedes are good at hockey, so what? So are Canadians. That's good, you want a cookie? I don't see many Swede's playing pro basketball. Or football. Or baseball. Trolling is easy, see? And wasn't it America that kicked the shit out of your sorry asses in the 2010 winter Olympics hockey? Yea….even Finland did better than you. You should be ashamed of your country. Bahahahaha

  8. @slayer6542007 what do you mean "even" finland did better than you? We have had more points than the swedes in hockey for over 20years…

  9. @burago000 I apologize. My roommate is Swedish and he hates when I point out the Finland beat them, so I assumed it would work just as well on an Anon from Sweden. I don't have anything against Finland, just trollin'.

  10. @backaif I don't give a damn. You didn't bring home any medals in men's hockey. We got silver. And I happen to know for a FACT that Swedes play baseball. Just because you don't play doesn't mean you represent the entire Swedish demographic.

  11. @slayer6542007 u can take ur curling and shouve it up ur ass in sweden we dont even focus much on curling and we are olympic champs 8 years in a row thats just embarrassing 4 the gay country u live in. Hmm hockey vm 2010 u got ur asses kicked by sweden 3-1 and we kick ur asses in all the other sports i can think off execpt the gays sport when u have this big orange ball o yea basketball

  12. @thunder13371 Bro, if you can rewrite that in proper English without so much shorthand and run-on sentences I'll actually take the time to flame your comment. Until then I'm not going to bother.

  13. @raidmommy see canadas medal count from the 2010 olympics, wheres sweden ?
    United States 9 15 13 37
    Germany 10 13 7 30
    Canada 14 7 5 26
    Norway 9 8 6 23
    Austria 4 6 6 16
    Russia 3 5 7 15
    South Korea 6 6 2 14
    China 5 2 4 11
    Sweden 5 2 4 11
    France 2 3 6 11

  14. @SleeCee Seriously, the Olympics were in Canada 2010 plus you like these ridiculous "sports" like figure skating and curling. In the all time Olympics (summer and winter) Sweden is in 7th place with 604 medals while Canada is in 15th place with 405 medals and has already been passed by Russia which has only competed since 1994 and Canada has competed since 1900. LOL! I am not even Swedish 🙂

  15. @terre08 since you know the stats, then you would know as of a few years ago canadian olympian athletes didnt get any sponsorship or grants from the government,
    see USA china russia , michal johnsons' 50$million dollar contract with nike, canadians werent allowed to do commercial sponsorships.
    since our athletes now have every opportunity as others, and dont have to work a 9-5 job and then train and compete. we are dominant.

  16. lol, i mean swedes aint made to fight, they just play hockey and Hedman is damn good at that!

  17. I promise the season to come Hedman WILL be a beast!!
    He's a big dude and have the strength, he just needs some more practice 😀
    And he's a SWEDE just like me so no matter what you say HE'S AWESOME!

  18. @bm4nu For a guy who isn't suppose to fight he's fought with guys like Tucker, Scott Walker and Reclichz, Fish is a beast and your an idiot. That is all.

  19. @ComputerGuideByMovie "Learn to spell." ? LOL !!! People like you always make me laugh, acting like Youtube is a classroom…. When grades are involved, that's when I'll worry about my spelling alrighty ?

  20. @SchoolKidz ur pretty fucking stupid!! he lives in usa because he plays in the nhl u dumb fuck hes from bromma in stockholm sweden nothing else!!

  21. @SchoolKidz ja men det var inte det du sa 🙂 du sa att han levt i usa hela sitt liv 🙂 han r svensk vilket som och vad jag vet så e han inte amerikansk medborgare 🙂

  22. Why the LOL? Fisher is a classy guy… Just like Iggy, he never want to hurt someone by starting/engaging in a fight.

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