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Klopp refuses to speak English in Germany

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Jurgen Klopp has refused a journalist’s request to respond in English while holding a press conference in Germany

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  1. Hey everyone 👋 If you liked this video, I'm sure you'll love to subscribe to our new YouTube channel. New face, fresh start and more football ⚽️ Find us on

  2. Levy is financially struggling, but it's stupid to catch Kane until the end. It's profitable to transfer efficiently, organize the team, and try to change

  3. But In Africa once you come back home you tend to forget your language and start speaking English, or when you assume some sort of status.

  4. I think is very disrespectful from him to act like this. That journalist was a guest in Germany, he travel just to ask him few questions. Why to create a thing, when it doesn’t exist. Mr coach is not that smart. All he shows is just frustration. Maybe was have some bad previous experience about that. But that is not a reason to be stupid and disrespectful around you.

  5. Many Germans are weird about German. I have a Masters in German translation and so of course I can speak German. But there are many Germans that don't actually like speaking German with foreigners, it is like their own special code. Even if they don't speak even decent English, they continue speaking English while I reply in German as if every sentence that a foreigner says correctly in German is some kind of fluke. And conversely, they also have this performative "If you are selling to me, dann müssen Sie Deutsch sprechen" schtick, a version of which is what Klopp is doing here. It's odd. I live in Spain, and I speak good Spanish, and nothing like that happens here, Spanish people generally just want to communicate and they don't have some massive linguistic stick up their collective asses like Germans (and, I believe, French) do.

  6. if he was coaching a German team i’d understand but liverpool is an English team and the vast majority of their fan base is English

  7. Even if his first language was English I'd find it pretty offensive to not answer in German.

  8. I see so many people are on his side but let me tell you the other side and explain why I hated this answer. I have been living in Germany for a few years now and I am only speaking English 8 hours per day for my job. Imagine how hard it is to learn German while you need to work 8 hours per day and also learn German. With all difficulties, I have learned German to the level of B1 which is enough for daily use but super insufficient for cases where you have to deal with a Doctor, immigration office, or Tax office or the places you need strong vocabs. Then, as soon as you feel that you don't understand and try to ask in English, it has happened to me many times that they say "HERE is Germany, and you must learn and speak German". You would probably say they are right but you don't know how much you hate yourself that you don't know the language and how the language barrier is ruining everything, especially about health issues.

  9. And good for him. Reminds me of the Welsh player that stood his ground at the World Cup when he was asked – a gave an answer to – a question in Welsh.

  10. It is quite a rude sounding question, demanded to be answered in the language of the people asking said rude question…

  11. I wonder why people are arguing,,,we all know English and French are international languages but English is widely used than French,,thats all

  12. ich würde sagen this question is too difficult to be anwered in english.
    gab es damals (2016?) schon google translate?

  13. So let me get this straight, you are talking to German citizen who is known for his love towards speaking his mother language. And who usually hates speaking other languages. And you ask him while being in Germany To answer your question in English ……
    Lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅

  14. I hope he will play Liverpool will play a game in Hungary in Europa League this season. I'd like to see him with the same attitude, speaking Hungarian. Why? Because he will be in Hungary, obviously, speaking English would be rude according to him.

  15. I think that's racism. If you work for an English club, you have to speak English. If you were very keen on speaking German, you could stay in Dortmund. It is very surprising that the Germans are still in the mindset of 1945. I thought they had learned their lesson.

  16. Absofuckinglutely. Imagine people knowing just English AND being entitled to hear that reductionist trash of a language

  17. I live in the USA and when I am talking to a Brazilian friend they say ''you should speak English'' and I don't think it's fair enough. When I am not working or leading to an American person, I don't have to do it.

  18. Everyone saying he's a German in Germany so why speak English? Well he's the coach of a British team so might make sense for the fans to know what he says? Or the shareholders etc?

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