@New York Rangers

Gotta See It: Was Trocheck’s shootout attempt a good goal?

It looked like Vincent Trocheck fumbled the puck while making his shootout attempt, though he would recover and score after the fact. Ben Bishop and the Lightning thought it was a no-goal. But it wasn’t, much to Jon Cooper’s anger.


  1. When he picks up the puck after losing it he even drags it backwards. He doesn't maintain control either. How many rules are you gonna forget before you get fired?

  2. He lost control on the backwards motion.
    I would say no goal. Im impartial to both teams as well so Im just using logic here

  3. The puck kept going forwards so it's a good goal… it's that simple!!! Idk y everyone was so mad!!

  4. Puck was in a side ways motion nott backwards, youre allowed to skate backwards if you dont have the puck and whiffing on the puck without touching it isnt a failed attempt. Took me so many replays but its a good goal

  5. I don't like Toronto's call. The puck goes backwards and you can clearly see he fanned on the initial shot attempt. I don't like it…

  6. Upon further review, the puck moves in a backwards direction after the player fanned on the shot, the call on the ice stands, No Goal.

  7. People have trouble understanding this rule, as a fellow ref the rule is: the PUCK must be continued in a forward motion – meaning the player can go backwards, as long as the puck continues its path towards the goal.

  8. he stopped the puck to regain control and made it go about an inch back. And when he lost control the puck traveled at more than 90 degrees away from the net

  9. NHL is rigged to Zionist owner teams. What would you expect with Bettman at the wheel. So if the NBA, MBA and NFL.

  10. Good call. The puck went sideways, not backwards. Because the puck didn’t go backwards the puck is still in play, GOOD GOAL

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