@Nashville Predators

Josi furious after potential head shot from Brown

Roman Josi was not pleased after taking what seemed like a hit to the head from JT Brown behind the Lightning net.


  1. That looks like a clean hit to me. Josi was cutting to the puck with his head down. There's minimal head contact at best. From the 2 videos I've seen tonight I'm liking this Brown fellow.

  2. aren't we watching hockey? I mean I'm all for keeping the players safe but you know to keep your head up. clean hit

  3. hm I can see how Josi has his head down, significantly so. if he gets checked it's primarily his fault. never the less brown should probably try to minimize the contact to the head. yet if you pause the clip at 0:23 and move forward frame by frame (use ur "." key) it looks like brown initially comes in on a low and very clean shoulder on shoulder trajectory, but right before the contact he seems to elevate his upper body/shoulder as if the contact to the head is intended. gonna be interesting to see if/how this will be reviewed.

  4. I think it was clean but you could also say that there was some head contact. Should be no suspension but possible 1 game at max.

  5. clean hit, take that out of the game and its soccer on ice. NHL is becoming the No Hitting League slowly before our eyes, its sad.

  6. Yeeesh, Head shot? Whats next, someone on his knees gets clipped in the face with a stick and the other player is called for high sticking?

  7. I guess brown got payback twice it wasn't a clean hit though that's 100% head contact and possibly an elbow depending on your opinion but either way that's a penalty but atleast brown got some payback twice lol cause he got decked earlier in the game

  8. Tough call on this one. I personally watch every single bolts game and know Brown isnt dirty. It looks like the shoulder and head were contacted at the same time. I dont think he'l be suspended for the hit. No clear intent imo. However the high finish is what triggered most.

  9. Fisher has to be the gayest captain in the league. Never stands up for his teammates. Just push them into glass so they can't get their hands free 😂

  10. I think some hockey fans know it's a dirty hit but say other wise because they don't want hitting taken out of the game. I'm personally all for hitting in hockey. But this is one of those boarder line hits.

  11. The NHL will use BS excuse that Brown clips Josi's shoulder before hitting the head, making the shoulder the "primary point of contact," regardless of the fact that his head takes 95% of the blow. Which is still less than the 100% of the gutlessness the NHL has to get rid of this garbage.

  12. Brown keeps both skates on the ice and does not launch in to the hit.  Textbook yard sale hit.  Nothing else to see here.

  13. Absolutely clean hit. How could Brown have possibly avoided head contact the way he was crouched over? Blindside means nothing, drove through the body, elbow came up way after the hit and never left his feet. Textbook clean

  14. Not saying it was clean but it was definitely not a blindside hit. If brown catches him at the shoulder this is a perfect hit but he Brown caught him right in the face which is why it's a dirty hit.

  15. There definitely was some head contact but he initially makes contact with the shoulder and the shoulder is the primary point of impact. good hit

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