@Buffalo Sabres

The Kyle Okposo Letter To The Fans – Thoughts On It

Hey folks, in this video we discuss what the Kyle Okposo season closing letter means to the Sabres fans..thanks for watching ๐Ÿ™‚
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  1. There's your next captain of the Sabres! The guy's career was in the toilet and he showed his true worth, true leadership skills and the turnaround was epic, even though it happened in a losing season.

  2. I know Okposo isn't worth his contract at least scoring wise but we need guys like this. Let's not forget Okposo is a power forward/grinder. If we make the playoffs next year guys like that are the ones who step up. He's obviously sick of the losing culture and guys like him and Tuch are starting to change that. If Eichel had 1/10th the heart of Tuch or Okposo he would be a top 7 or 8 player. Also let's not forget Okposo has had a very bad run of luck with injuries throughout his contract. Kyle needs to be here if we go to the playoffs next year

  3. Going to the last game seeing subby sing and watching players on both teams laugh with excitement after he killed it was something special. But in the end watching RJ on the ice seeing for the last time made me cry along with the boys coming back and winning in OT it was just perfect. A perfect send off. Now it's time for Adams to really take the next step and make the right moves this offseason with the draft and FA

  4. Ive never had a problem with Okie. I was dissapointed in his points production in coralation with contract… but hes also had that serious injury… He might not of been the point producer that we thought we signed, but the last few seasons, him and Girgs on that energy line together (when they were heathy) was some of the best hockey this team was producing during those dark years when most of the team would show up for 2 periods of every game. Okie and Girgs have always given it their all. What he hasnt produced in points he has given in leadership in spades. I for one hope he gets a new contract and the C until he retires a Sabre.

  5. Going back and watching the Dare Greatly video really hits different after this season.

  6. Thank you for your videos and analysis. I like what you said about Kevyn Adams. I think he is doing a great job. I find his words inspiring for my own life.

  7. How do we trade out the loser culture media? When I hear Harrington, Hamilton, Vogl, Adam Benignee, Dope and the Bullfrog there voices make me wanna puke. I equate them with losing whining and have like a ptsd from the last decade like they were my captors. I sort of had the same feeling with Petey and River before they left, I was very happy when they did, they are good guys but it needed to be fresh. New Sports Media needed in Buffalo!!! You know how many kids graduate from college telecommunication degrees and stuff they're all waiting in line with these potholes.

  8. Two seasons ago, I saw Okposo win the Winnipeg game at home. He scored both goals in a 2-1 victory. What I saw in person told me that he was a grinder and a positive for the team.

  9. I agree Okposo has silently made his way into my heart the past couple seasons. I mean I can't lie, it was disappointing at first when we got him, how he went from being the scorer on the Tavares line, to what he was when with us, but now he has formed into a great leader and actually contributed a good amount of points this season. He is somebody that I would be glad with retiring as a sabre.

  10. The letter Kyle wrote really shows his love for the fans and the team. I would like to see Kyle get the C and Tuch given the A until he retires. I don't think Tuch would mind waiting to be captain. The way the team speaks of Kyle shows how much he means off the ice as well as on the ice. My mind is made up.

  11. I miss em, cant wait to see them in the playoffs whats it like i 4 get to root for the Sabres in the playoffs and watch them play when all is on the line when it happens and it will
    I just miss rooting 4 them to see them in the playoffs will probably give me a heart atrack

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