@Anaheim Ducks

Mike Weaver vs Antoine Roussel & Dmitry Kulikov vs Ryan Garbutt Oct 3, 2013

Mike Weaver vs Antoine Roussel and Dmitry Kulikov vs Ryan Garbutt from the Florida Panthers at Dallas Stars game on Oct 3, 2013.


  1. Roussel is the shit! Every coach's dream. That line with Roussel and Garbutt will irritate the hell out of the league. Fuck Clutterbuck and Ott, this dude fights anyone and lands punches. Watch his fight with Seabrook.

  2. let him fight someone who knows how to properly chuck fists, cannot wait to see him get dropped.

  3. People are always bitching. Why the fuck does it matter if Rousell has never fought a "tough guy". Hes technically not a "tough guy" Rousell won the fight fair and square.

  4. Roussel plays legitimate hockey but he's not afraid to throw punches if he needs to. He isn't a punk, but he'll react if he's messed with. He doesn't okay dirty though so I don't see the reason for calling him a punk.

  5. To everyone saying Roussel needs to fight a real tough guy. He fought Iginla and he isn't afraid to fight anyone. Yes he wears a visor but so do a lot of players in the leauge now. Ignorant fucks

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    You're not the only one who wants my head on a pike at the moment. Take a number and get in line.

  7. So wait, the NHL is forcing players to wear visors, you can't take off your helmet in a fight, and people are STILL bitching about visor fighters when that's basically the only thing you can do when all the players using the grandfather clause are retired?

  8. I like their new sweaters, it is nice to see green coming back as a primary color. There was too many teams with black, red, or blue jerseys.

  9. lol…take a look back at last season, he didn't bother removing his visor then…and he does pick his opponent well….not bitching, just stating fact.

  10. Im not positive but someone was telling me that now if you start a fight after a fight has been started that both players get ejected. But both Garbutt and the other guy were ejected last night

  11. Yeah totally I guess facing Shea Weber, Kassian, Iginla, Seabrook all count as pussy fights now a days, good to know

  12. Roussell is 6'0 180 lbs and Seabrook is 6'3" 220 lbs. Fighter or not, Seabrook lost a fight to guy 3 inches shorter and 40 lbs lighter.

  13. You mean like if he fought someone with, say, 64 career NHL fights? Like Iginla? Oh wait…

    And if you reply with something stupid like Orr or Chara, save your breath. Roussel comes in at 180 lbs. So he's not going to fight 220+ lb goons.

  14. before this season, Iginla always removed his helmet, Roussell – never…stop being a homer, or just fuck off.

  15. Hats off to Weaver for getting back up and fighting back……that was more impressive than him getting hit in the sweet spot.

  16. I will return your offer of breath saving because I would hardly expect him to fight someone way over his weight category. congrats on being able to google how many fights Iginla has had in his career bub.

  17. This fight happened in Roussel's rookie year. Watch the other ones. He is fast as shit, handles the puck and will fight anyone. He's not in the league as a fighter but he's damn brave and good at it. Tonight he beat some face so watch that too. Dude has feisty style where scouts say, "Yeah, A League."

  18. None of those players you listed are real fighters. Iginla, Weber and Seabrook are all awesome players, but not really fighters, especially the 2 d-men. Kassian, is tough, but young and stupid.

    Roussel is known as a spot-picker who dives into fights w/ his shield/helmet firmly fitted on his head. When/if an opponent is able to remove said helment, Roussel will then attempt to end the fight with a good old-fashioned hug. -*rational…and btw, you're a homer-fag -*funny & true

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