@Pittsburgh Penguins

How Sidney Crosby’s Career Was Robbed By Concussions


In the world of pro hockey, Sidney Crosby’s name shines bright. Captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins since 2007, he’s steered them to 3 Stanley Cups. A force since junior leagues, his NHL journey was marked by relentless bullying, injuries, and a shortened prime. Yet, he remains one of the game’s greatest.


  1. My family was born and raised just outside Pittsburgh. Been honored to watch this guy for as long as I can remember. Couldn’t imagine anyone better to fill the role after Mario

  2. It’s crazy how time can alter your perspective. I’m a lifelong caps fan and could never stand Crosby or the pens as a whole for that matter. But in the twilight of his career I have nothing but respect for him as a person, for his talent and for what he brought to the sport. He’s still lighting it up at over a point per game pace nearing his late 30s. Much respect

  3. Lemuix career robbed cuz of health Crosby career robbed cuz of health even Malkin robbed a lot of his career cuz health

  4. whatever the man has won multiple cups. what about Pat Lafontaine? arguably on par with sid and better in some ways.

  5. Great video man, McDavid's point totals have been insane the past few years but i truly think if Crosby didnt miss those seasons where he was on pace for well over 130 points the dialogue would be vastly different.

  6. Drafted in 2005. I can't believe it's been that long. Injuries aside, Crosby's definitely had one helluva spectacular career.🏒🥅🚨

  7. I just hope the head hunting behavior is prevented for future stars. I'm excited to see what Bedard can pull off.

  8. Amazing how even after all these years, he can still be argued as a top 5 player all-time once his career is done! Imagine if he was healthy during his prime years, a big what-if scenario in the early-mid 2010s

  9. Would of, should of, could of. Toughest sport in the there is. and this is an amazing analysis, but again would of could of should of.

  10. No arguing he was targeted and bashed more than any other superstar in the history of our game. I believe stats will back this claim up.
    That being said when he entered the league he had zero humble in him and he was a massive shit talker. So, some of the abuse could be argued as warranted.

  11. Tbh modern stars like McDavid, MacKinnon, Matthews, etc can all thank Crosby for the fact that they don't get head hunted and get frequent concussions. Crosby's concussions knocked him out of nearly 2 seasons in his prime and it convinced the NHL to finally make changes to curb player concussions. Too bad it was too late for Kariya, Lindros and others, but better late than never.

  12. I really hate the "he was targeted" narrative. How about dish it back instead of whining about it.

  13. Robbed? Idk if I would say that since he literally hasn't changed at all since the early 2010s when the concussion issues occurred. Injuries are apart of the game and unfortunately it happened when it did. Dope video though ofc as usual and as much as i hate crosby cause of his excessive whining among other things, I will admit dude is a generational talent and it would be impossible to not want someone with his caliber on your team. His entire prime wasnt robbed just a part of it not all cause in 2013-14 he got the art ross and hart trophies so

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