@National Hockey League

My friend tries to name every NHL team (1)

My friend tries to name every NHL team (1)

by KonekoKittenIsCool


  1. petetheheat475

    This is hilarious. I hope they don’t sell the Coyotes, but if they do get sold, it has to be to Montana.

  2. imathrowyaaway

    No guess is fair for the Canadiens logo

  3. ThatMikeGuy429

    I keep hoping that someone’s significant other says something weird for the isles, but with the great/obvious branding the isles have it never happens and I am disappointed.

  4. Aggravating_Tough391

    Wisconsin Forest would be fucking awesome.

  5. GatoMatto

    Alaska Mountain lol. We were almost called the Rocky Mountain Extreme!

  6. Mean_Aioli646

    As a lifelong Nebraska resident, I can’t wait for the Nebraska Devils to start playing.

  7. Rockterrace

    Really impressed they got the Rangers bang on

  8. SnakeCharmer711

    “Boston” just Boston 😂👍

  9. postmadrone27

    Your friend is an absolute idiot and needs a refresher on 5th grade geography if they think that Montana and Alaska and Nebraska would have NHL teams

  10. 99titan

    They had whales in Hartford, not Smilodons.

  11. Used_Draw8652

    When you make a hockey game but can’t get licenses for some of the teams

  12. Steakholder__

    I made up some bullshit and posted it on Reddit for karma (1)

  13. rhunter99

    I’m hurt he couldn’t make up a city for the Flames 🥺

  14. ThatZombieGuy115

    How’d your friend get the Blackhawks correct but the Devils partially right?

  15. Complex-Tangerine628

    If they didn’t get the last two…I’d be concerned

  16. Hiddenbehindawall

    God I hate these, they are so clearly fake. Like why would he even guess Hartford if he has no hockey knowledge.

  17. Fearless_External932

    I bet Montana Coyotes will be much more successful

  18. Waterbug314

    The Alaska Mountain actually sounds pretty sweet

  19. flash2wave-

    I understand it’s the off-season but holy fuck can we stop with this exact same post

  20. v13ragnarok7

    NYR is a bit easy don’t ya think?

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