@Winnipeg Jets

Troy Brouwer vs Brenden Dillon Feb 11, 2015

Troy Brouwer vs Brenden Dillon from the Washington Capitals at San Jose Sharks game on Feb 11, 2015.


  1. impressive showing by Brouwer, hes one of those guys who doesnt fight often but is pretty decent and can surprise some people, he definitely surprised Dillon here … didnt think Brouwer had that in him but well done

  2. With all the respect – and as a supporter of hockey fights – is fighting all Dillon can do?

  3. Everytime two "non-fighters" squares off in the heat of the moment,its a good fight.but when the two tough guys of each team go at each other,its pulling and turning with almost no punches being thrown…

  4. Troy Brouwer just read Dillon a bed time story, tucked him in, turned out the lights, then left his nightlight on for him in the penalty box. Sheesh…

  5. Brouwer is a beast. He scores goals, finishes off checks, does the dirty work, and can even chin check thugs on opposing teams.

  6. They didn't show the part where Dillon gets knocked down! And when a Capital player gets hit, they show it like 3 times! Fuck Sharks!

  7. Dillon thought he would get tough…then Brouwer shows him what tough is…fuckin awesome T bomb

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