@New Jersey Devils

New Devils Podcast

Hey everyone! I hope this isn’t breaking any rules, if it does please don’t hesitate to remove this post.

My best friend and I recently started a new podcast together called Devils Down Under. I’ve been a fan since 1994 and I just recently got her into watching hockey and the Devils. She’s still learning a lot in regards to the team and league history and we both thought that since we love to talk hockey and Devils, we may as well turn her journey and mutual love for hockey into a Devils-themed podcast.

She hails all the way from New Zealand, hence the name (sorta) and I live in Upstate NY so I think it’s an interesting dynamic. There are currently 3 episodes out, and we plan on releasing weekly every Friday afternoon. We would love if you guys would check us out and feel free to drop any feedback or comments!

Below is a link to our Podbean page, but you should be able to find Devils Down Under on whatever your preferred app/platform is, including Spotify.

Also, please excuse a few errors here and there. There may or may not be a point in one of the episodes we’ve released where I forgot about Siegenthaler when discussing defensive pairings. Oops…

Thanks Devils fans!

by CrashyBoye

1 Comment

  1. Shieldbreaker50

    Thank you! Will give it a listen. Good luck!

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