@New York Rangers

Gotta See It: Domingue takes off mask mid-play, gives up goal

Watch as Arizona’s Louis Domingue gives up a goal after taking off his mask mid-play trying to get the referee to blow the play dead.


  1. It probably should have been blown dead as the strap was indeed broken with the puck on a coyotes players stick, but the Coyotes announcers said it best. You still have to play whistle to whistle.

  2. Plants his skate against the goalies skate, and gives him a shove from behind. They used to call that hitting from behind, possibly even a slew foot. Possibly interference as he had played the puck, but was not in possession of it.
    He was wrong to take off the mask and stop playing before the whistle though.

  3. The goalie should have gotten 2 minutes penalties for taking his mask off. And the goal should count.

  4. Just started playing goalie. Hate when people say all smugly "just stay in your net" then act all pissed when you don't stop the puck on a dump in or play it up to them when your on the power play. Just last game there was a guy who was on a breakaway but the puck was out in front of him a bit. I charged out and got to it before him (at the blue line) and sent it up ice stopping the scoring chance. First time I go back to the bench some teamate gets all pissed and says "If your gonna do that you need to let your defenseman know" WTF? Let them know I stoped a breakaway cause they got caught sleeping? Okay.

  5. Just started playing goalie. Hate when people say all smugly "just stay in your net" then act all pissed when you don't stop the puck on a dump in or play it up to them when your on the power play. Just last game there was a guy who was on a breakaway but the puck was out in front of him a bit. I charged out and got to it before him (at the blue line) and sent it up ice stopping the scoring chance. First time I go back to the bench some teamate gets all pissed and says "If your gonna do that you need to let your defenseman know" WTF? Let them know I stoped a breakaway cause they got caught sleeping? Okay.

  6. "None of this happens if you don't play the puck."

    Are these commentators stupid? Don't play the puck? Well hockey would be a pretty stupid sport if nobody played the puck.

    But no. It wouldn't have happened if his teammate didn't pass it to the other team. It wouldn't have happened if he hadn't taken his mask off instead of getting back in net. But it wasn't because he decided to play the puck. Because he actually made a good play.

    Maybe you missed it, but he isn't the one who turned it over. It was a teammate. His teammate who had the puck because Louis made a good play that allowed him to get it. Ugh. It isn't that hard to follow. Louis stops puck passes to his center, who passes to a defensman. All good there. Then the defenseman passes it up the center and turns it over. Seriously, not that hard.

  7. Dominguez, what a joker of a goalie… Coyotes, put a real goalie in and win games for once…

  8. This is pure bad luck, karma is kicking him in the ass for something really bad he did

  9. *Gotta See It: Domingue gives up mid-play, gives up goal. Seriously, he dived forward to try to stop the Kings player initially, then he intentionally takes off his mask, saying the Kings player initiated the contact. Idiot.

  10. They are kind of retarded, if he took his helmet off then there must be something wrong… Plain and simple lol. If something was broken, helmet or not it could have been very risky to make a save. Like papar mache stopping a puck it would shatter.

  11. The commentator pisses me off. He thinks he's an expert telling Louis what to do when he's obviously never played goal before. Dumbass

  12. He tried to pull a Roloson, just didn't make his helmet loose enough I guess :/

  13. Only goalie I've ever seen do this and it be called no goal is Quick ahahahahaha kinda ironic maybe Dominigue watched that game a couple years back ahahahhaa

  14. Should be a good goal he took his mask off on his own that was he could have gotten hit in the head with the puck stupid play.

  15. What a dumbass announcer. He held onto the puck too long but to say he should of stayed in the net entirely just shows low hockey IQ. he had plenty of time to play the puck which is crucial for a lot teams in getting the puck out of the zone. The announcer sounds like one of the casual hokey fans I hear screaming "GET BACK IN YOUR NET" at the local D3 college games I watch. Also he probably took his mask of because one of the straps came undone after the body contact. When that happens you mask sits crooked on your face sometimes blocking your vision.

  16. Domingue sees the Kings player coming and steps in his way as he's coming around the net. Goalie interference would have been a terribly unjustified bailout for Domingue.

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