@San Jose Sharks

The 12th Man v Warney

Billy Birmingham, the man credited for extending the reach of some of Channel 9’s most famous cricket commentators, shared a rare chat with the commentary team his alter-ego — the 12th Man — has made a living from. Marvellous stuff!


  1. I came hear to remember my childhood listening to Billy but more to see the joy of Shane loving this so much like one of the fans of the game he was, despite being one of the legends of the game himself. RIP Shane. Such a genuine guy. The Willy Nilly high five will live forever.

  2. I was on a contiki tour in Europe 30 years ago. To my surprise, someone put on a 12th man tape – and bugger me, all the Saffies on the bus (about a dozen) knew the lines word for word! Great times.

  3. A rather unflattering pair a trousers Billy is wearing. Looks like he is sporting a huge boner from some angles😂😂

  4. His Kerry Packer was just gold, but to be fair, all his impersonations were spot on

  5. The jumbled hour naturalistically rob because sandra constitutively satisfy during a gullible gusty biology. colossal, clean couch

  6. And he produced what seems to be an iron bar from underneath his jumper, and whooshka, he's gone down like a $2 hooker

  7. Watched this whole vid without even remembering that Warnie is longer with us! So weird that he went so soon – I always imagined him being around in the commentary box until a ripe old age just like Richie……

  8. Never get sick of listening to the commentary that just cracks me up. Great laughs, Great Memories from the best era of crickets ever to exist.

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