@Winnipeg Jets

Maurice stands up for Wheeler, is offended by any criticism he’s taking

Winnipeg Jets head coach Paul Maurice is deeply offended by the criticism his captain Blake Wheeler is taking from the media, says he’s been in awe of Wheeler’s work ethic and character since he got here.


  1. Like the Jets but I would of traded Wheeler and Ros to the Jackets for Dubois and put 40 goal 22yr old Laine on 1st line. Time for a change if a team has all that talent and no cups.

  2. Come on Maurice.
    Isn't this really about the article written days ago about how Wheeler and Scheifele gave Laine a hard time, talking behind his back, bullying him until he no longer wanted to play for the Jets?

    Plus the article calls you "weak" because you allowed Wheeler to run the show and didn't defend Laine.

    Wheeler was so insecure that Laine would be the next Teemu Selanne.
    Wheeler wanted to be the Star.

    Laine was more popular than Scheifele and Wheeler and they couldn't handle it.

    I'm sure his fans are upset over his treatment in the locker room.
    No team spirit there.

  3. Coach wants the media to be cheerleaders for his team. Just because he thinks they are wrong doesn't make them wrong.

  4. As bad as Winnipeg media is at beaking a winning record…they are still better than Leaf fans…

  5. New coach and a new GM please .. guy loves wheeler and wasnt gonna give Laine the minutes no matter what. Winnipegers deserve a winning team and a winning mentality in the franchise. Fire chevy and maurice and we can finally get back on track

  6. love it. absolutely love it.
    The sports media can be like a bunch of rabid animals, and I love it when the coach takes them out behind the barn

  7. I'm a Jets fan but when people are butt hurt about the Laine trade STILL 😂 and is upset on some of the efforts of some players is kinda BS to me. They're exceeding expectations from the Media in terms of the standings but u win some u lose some. It's a complete joke on how fans treat the team as a whole. In all sports in general all fans do is watch the games on their couch bc of covid and complain over a winning record give me a break.

  8. Yea that one question is just dumb they know nothing about hockey. They don't get it less ice time means more energy for the team its up to the coach to decide who starts first in the lineup as well

  9. yea yea yea the media is horrible and asks the same damn questions every game, hockey players answer questions with the same damn answers no matter the problems or the successes the player or group is having… meanwhile everything else that is happening out there is killing the planet and these are the problems society chooses to deal with…..

  10. It's a like a quieter, calmer and maybe a little more articulate version of "Come after me! I'm a man! I'm 40!"

  11. So everybody Is saying how amazing and good this guy Is. But apparently Wheeler bullied Laine out of Winnipeg. I mean It seems like veterans dont like young talent that will become more famous than them coming In.

  12. When I played for the Hartford Whalers back in the 80's I confronted a reporter once and what he said was "I write crap sometimes to create controversy so that people will read my column". I am not condemning all writers because I have been around a lot of good ones but this happens way to often.

  13. As much as I appreciate a coach defending a player, Maurice needs to go. Winnipeg has seen enough of Maurice and he has once again proven that he is incapable of keeping a team in line and on track. If you read up on Wheeler you’ll realize that he’s toxic in the locker room, and Maurice simply isn’t putting any accountability on his poor behaviour and performance.

  14. Wheels doesn't have a good shot but is a lethal setup man on the power play. He's looked bad on a couple of back checks early in the season. He knows it and he cares about the negative press. I imagine he will make adjustments to his game and the lesser ice time will help him. I think he will improve but if he doesn't then I can't see the Jets protecting him in the expansion draft.

  15. so they want you to show a personality, and when you do and show emotion, some of these media dicks, still jump on you, not all, but some are just pathetic.

  16. Hope we learn one day why he quit the Jets. And also why Wheeler lost the C.
    Pro sports is soap opera for guys.

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