@Dallas Stars

2012/05/16 Rhymes hit by pitch

BOS@TB: Rhymes hit by Morales pitch, remains in game


  1. At 0:42 you can see the umpire looking into the dugout BEFORE Rhymes said he wanted to leave the game. The ump was looking at the dugout because he sensed the deep pain Rhymes was feeling and the ump was saying with his eye you gotta take him out of the game. He is in bad shape. His brain shut off to avoid the pain. That's why he passed out.

  2. I smashed my elbow on a chair in a bar once and really hit the sweet spot of a nerve. So hard my fingertips felt like they were on fire. And then a few minutes later I fainted.

  3. He was tough trying to keep going but its hard to see somebody go through that kind of impact on the body. There is only so much what a body can take.

  4. I just stopped by check out all the posts from doctors, sports therapists and trainers. I wasn't disappointed.

  5. Basically once he reached first base to a breather and the adrenaline rush went away he felted the pain even more and passed out.

  6. I'm a nurse. His body went into shock after an acute injury. Blood pressure drops and you can pass out. It's actually very common and I'm surprised you don't see it happen more in professional sports.

  7. I remember a few years back I was skateboarding, midlander a trick and broke my arm. For the first five minutes I was fine, told my dad to drive me to the hospital, I got in the car and then 5 minutes later I’m just passed out. Not sure how long I was passed out. I just remember waking up with a soft cast on my arm.

  8. I seen my mom break her arm and she passed out too. She woke up and I had to re tell her what happened and she didn't remember.

  9. I've only felt something like this once in my life and it's fucking scary and it sucks. And I've put up with some pretty fucked up shit before. I was at wrestling training and my best friend caught me with a knee right to the jaw with his brace and broke my jaw in two places and it didn't knock me off my feet. I never sat down nothing. Completely fine. But I crushed the tip of my finger putting a massive wooden beam for one of the rings in place into an h brace, and my finger went into the brace with the beam and split the nail all the way across and it was literally dripping blood and that was probably one of the most painful things I've ever had to experience because it was the tip of my finger. And the nail. And I got so light-headed I had to sit down I thought I was legitimately going to pass out. I never did but it's insane that my jaw was broken in two places and I was completely fine but my fingertip was crushed and I almost lost consciousness. Crazy how the body works. I've probably given blood or gotten blood work done 20 or 30 times in my life and never had one issue either. I always get up and I drive home and that's it. No problem. The last time I got blood drawn and blood work done I almost passed out. It was so weird for me because I've never ever ever had a negative reaction to having blood drawn either in getting blood work or donating blood and we're talking dozens of times never one issue until that one time. Shit like this happens. This is a long time ago so I don't know what the injury ended up being but that was a pretty nasty ball off the arm

  10. damn, that pain came fast and hard once the adrenaline left once he was standing at first base and the way the colour left his face was scary.

  11. I played a whole football game in the snow and the cold weather in New York City not knowing I had to severe sprained wrists

  12. I slipped and fell hard on an icy sidewalk. The pain was intense. A few minutes later, driving my truck, I passed out. I woke up a few minutes later. I had drifted into a snowy field.

  13. That ball hitting his arm sounded like a bat breaking. Just hearing that sound made me queasy.

  14. Crushed just the tip of my thumb last November at work i like to think my pain tolerance is decent….covered in tattoos lol. I was able to go tell someone to get the first aid guy but after that i dropped straight to a knee. First aid guy said i looked like i was in borderline shock (first time breaking a bone since i was a kid….and i could have easily lost the thumb)

  15. Athletes have to learn their bodies so well – and if a man – they have to learn when to not "man up" and hide the pain. They can do themselves a huge disservice if they do. Did you hear the bat hit that ball? No. That was his arm that was hit by the ball. Sounded the same. But he walked it off – until his body said whoa and shut him down. When the body has to over ride the brain – the brain is voted out of control by the body and that is it. You have no more control. You lose consciousness and a whole new negotiated contract is being negotiated while you are not even present.

  16. I dont think ive ever seen someone hit so flush in the arm like that. Literally sounded like a hard foul ball

  17. Not necessarily a fracture, as mentioned by the announcer. Passing out with pain, the introduction of high stress, the sight of blood, etc. is a very common response. Us medical professionals call it 'Vasovagal Syncope'. The heart rate drops, the BP drops, you get pale and sweaty. Interestingly enough, it often happens when you are straining to have a bowel movement. Usually you recover in just a few minutes. Occasionally, you pass out in the toilet bowl and drown. We call it, 'Pulling an Elvis'.

  18. There's an interview somewhere where he said it wasn't fractured, but it was the shock and pain, and he also hadn't eaten enough I dunno how athletes cope with the pressure either…if I knew millions of people were watching me play, Id probably pass out if i stubbed my toe.

  19. If it hits you in the chest near your heart it could cause you to go in cardiac arrest. Lucky he got hit in the arm.

  20. First time seeing something like this happened. I have seen fracture bones. But never seen any one fall. Is this something that happens a lot?

  21. Just seeing the Boston players. Tells you how serious this was. It wasn't an overreacting. The hitter was injured

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