@Tampa Bay Lightning

Coventry v Brentford Hooligans Clash (15th April 2023)

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    * First of all and very importantly, I strongly condone and deplore all acts of football violence or any violence as ‘violence only breeds violence’. I have seen far too much of it, and I am ashamed and regret many things I committed during my violent days as an ex-football hooligan. Having trained for many years at Martial Arts (Karate, Judo, Kick Boxing) I abused them all, because they are only meant to be applied in Self-Defence, and not for provoking someone to have a fight just to see how good you really are. I have been involved in some of the nastiest violent fights in and outside football grounds and nightclubs for over 25 years with most notorious football hooligan firms around the United Kingdom. I’ve had sharp coins, knives, darts, bricks, bottles, plastic seats, hot cups of tea, fireworks, flares, beer, full cans of fizzy drink; Molotov petrol cocktails, dog faeces, urine, all been thrown at me. I’ve had pepper spray in my face; loaded shotguns in my face on several occasions, and many irate and drunken night-club revellers makings death threats to me for many years. I’ve also, had a loaded magnum 45 revolver pointed at my head; stabbed and threatened with axes, hammers, baseball bats and machetes too many times. They say the older you get the more mature and wiser you become. I thank GOD and give HIM all the GLORY for HIS great grace and power to save me, because I would have died many times over. I thank GOD that I am so blessed to be alive for I would be dead, and long time buried if it wasn’t for HIS unconditional love, grace, and mercy. I can boldly say, “I am a miracle of HIS tender mercies.” They say the older you get the wiser and mature you become! I am so glad I wised up by GOD’S grace, and repented and returned back to GOD to serve HIM as my LORD and personal SAVIOUR. If you reading this message and are still hooked on violence, and still involved in being part of a football firm – let me please give you some good advice, get out while you can! For no one ever really wins in the end because the real true mark of any man is being able to swallow his pride and ego, to walk away from any fight to live another day as the brevity of life is far too short my friend! If you really want to fight someone – then pick a fight with the devil – for he’s the one behind all acts of violence because his business is to kill, cheat, destroy and steal our soul from eternity. But GOD is a GOD of love and peace, and wills you to come to Him through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and receive a brand new life! Choose you therefore this day whom you will serve GOD or Satan – for this is the day of your salvation – choose life, choose JESUS CHRIST!!! *

    from 'BADGER' of the "BOLTS CREW" + "MIGs CREW". Ciao from Italy 🇮🇹

  2. Bunch of scared wee boys throwing the odd punch to look busy 😅

  3. English hools 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 buahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 little girls

  4. That punch that sent that fat slob down was pathetic 😂😂😂😂 COYY

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