@Buffalo Sabres

“No Matter What It Is…. Get Your Stick Keep Playing” Sabres’ Announcer Calls Out Mittelstadt

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. Yall are babies lmao, ya he got cut there's gunna be a penalty not need to shut down. Have some heart

  2. As someone who works medical for hockey games, but never played hockey, I appreciate him taking the second to make sure he’s okay. Last thing I would want in one of my games is a player pretending he’s alright and then getting seriously injured. Especially when there’s an injury to the head, taking the second to make sure you’re alright is important. I’ve never worked nhl, but it would be even more important here where the players can hit you with such force. He’s not a pussy, he’s just not stupid.

  3. Easy to say things from the comfort of a booth and not taking a stick blade to the face I mean yes its hockey but unless your on the ice your opinion dosnt mean sheet truck off if I take one to the face ima react how I react

  4. Look at all these new generation blue haired pussies calling out the anouncer for saying what needed to be said ….. "its hockey"

  5. Maybe the announcer should take a hit to the face and see if he could finish announcing the rest of the game

  6. Mittlestadt: gets hit with a high-stick that draws blood and should result in a double-minor penalty
    Announcer: "Casey Mittlestadt is bad at hockey"

  7. well the majority give this video a thumbs up so…

    the pusuies in the comments literally are braindead and another reason i left the game… puess nation has taken over

  8. Or the official in the F**** corner would do his job, the play would be whistled down. That's a pretty obvious 4 min penalty… Common man!

  9. Honestly fuq Rob Ray, there's a reason none of his coworkers like him anymore. Tasteless comments and a horrible outlook on the game and home team. Sad as hell.

  10. As someone who has went to high school and had multiple interactions with him this isn just disgusting from the announcer

  11. Rob called a pussy a pussy. You snowflakes who think he shouldn’t have called him out for that should stick to watching the WNBA

  12. What a moronic thing to say… should be calling out the official for the terrible terrible no call they just don’t apparently want to make because it’s the third in a 3-2 with like a buck 30 left? No excuse. You call the 4 minute penalty. Somebody above said it best… announcer was probably to proud after he saw the blood pouring to walk back his initial statement… or just knew nobody is watching…

  13. I want to see that announcer go down there and get smacked in the face good enough to draw blood and see if his first reaction isn’t to drop his stick, stop and grab his face. I get some people wanna act all tough but some shit just hurts and for some people it’s the natural body reaction to do what Casey did. To call him out for getting smacked in the face and have blood dripping down it is crazy to me lol

  14. I hate it when people say: ‘back in my day…’ or ‘I’ve had worse, toughen up.’
    Like, dude, if you’re bleeding or have a broken anything, you’re not obligated to make the injury worse for the chance you get another wack at that puck.
    You’re not a pussy for wanting that blood off your face or sitting down when you’re in agony.
    On that note, if the whistle has been blown you are literally not allowed on the ice while bleeding/having visible blood on you(r clothes), so take care of yourself!

    Edit: Also, people sometimes stop when they’re in shock. He dropped his stick because he was bleeding and surprised but immediately went for his stick after to get it and get off. His reaction was understandable and did not warrant any unkind words from the commentators, shame on them.

  15. This goes for almost any animal or shark as well… You punch someone in the nose, or hit someone in the nose… It will rattle the hell out of you… Try smacking your nose at quarter strength… actually dont… I just gave myself a bloody nose….

  16. This is the opposite of the Bruins home announcer, this guy doesn't care if there is no penalty and the player is heavily bleeding… I am ever wondering if he swears when the home team scores.

  17. Wonder how this sqweeked by? In the hyper sensitive society we live in, you'd have thought this asshole would have been called out.

  18. Let my stick you in the face and see if you dont break concentration and can keep making calls ya jack ass.

  19. HE DIDNT DROP HIS STICK. this announcer is a blind idiot. he gets high sticked and another player CLEARLY removes the stick from his hand.

  20. i mean he was
    checking to make sure he still had an eyeball, and probably assumed that the ref had his hands up, when he realized that they brutally screwed up he got his stick and skated off

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