@Anaheim Ducks

WJC Quarterfinals – Finland 2, Canada 1 (OT)

Ian Mitchell opened the scoring for Canada but Aleksi Heponiemi got a favourable bounce off his skate that beat Michael DiPietro with 46 seconds left in the game to force overtime. Evan Bouchard would earn a penalty shot in OT but Maxime Comtois couldn’t capitalize and with under five-minutes left Toni Utunen scored to eliminate Canada on home soil.


  1. This is what happens when you blow up a score and embarrass a team. It's adds a little more hate from all the other teams and bad karma. You never run up the score. Learned this as a kid long time ago from a wise hockey man. 🍒. The little bad luck things like the stick blowing up is the karma. Just is.

  2. This is what happens when Hockey Canada Picks their team by picks instead of their skill level.

  3. This was a close game Period 1 and 2 Canada was dominating at the start of each period and FInland was dominating at the end of the period. Peroid 3 was more back and forth but I'd say Canada was doing better in the third overall, pulled goalie and a goal in the last minute for the Finns. A failed penalty shot by Canada in OT and a broken stick and perfect shot by Finland in ot and it's all over. I feel real bad for Michael DiPietro he played excellent in this game and deserved a win. I hope Switzerland goes all the way or at least get a medal this year.

  4. Finland had the weirdest luck in this game… while Canada missed basically every chance. Can’t believe Comtois was captain, he definitely didn’t deserve that with the way he played.

  5. you know what fuck all you haters you call your self's fans bunch of to faced fucks! when there wining your doe hard fans but the min they let you down you all of a sudden hate them 90% of you people Commenting on this don't even play the game you watch it play in in a video game. love to see you do a better job! there fucking kids! kids make mistakes I'm sure you made a few in your day!

  6. Lol people still get worked up about this tournament? Canada loses and Canadians are freaking out. Maybe it's just me but people are still too invested in this tournament. What's the point? They're kids. Who cares if they win gold or not? I mean yes it's a tournament but I mean…. they won last year and people aren't satisfied when they lose.

  7. It sucks Canada lost.. Comtois is just a awful captain. My heart broke when DiPietro let that in. He is an amazing goaltender 🙁

  8. Hockey Cadena is a complete brain washing joke. No Quebec players should be proud to play for them. You should only pick players from the Canadian province. You even won the championship last 2 times you had no franco-québécois on the team. I support 100% a Québec national team. LHJMQ/CHL caliber is way better than in France, Danemark or Kazakhstan, with all the respect we should have for them.

  9. Canadian hockey arrogance is embarrassing. Caring this much about kids playing a game is probably more so. As of 2017, less than 50% of the NHLers are Canadian and the numbers from the US are at their all time highest and climbing (about 26%). One of the most talented Americans ever was raised in a DESERT. It's not Canada's game.

  10. to all the angry canadians… it's a kids' hockey tournament. sorry your lives suck.

  11. Glad Canada lost to Finns lol finns deserved to win they scored on there chance and that clown that took penalty shot what a joke Bouchard shoulda took the shot

  12. nice composure by that finish goalie, he made some great saves, tough break on that one timer in OT when the Canadian player broke his stick

  13. So much racism towards french canadians. The fact is that Canada only scored once. Did we deserve to win? No.

  14. " they lose beacause Comtois is french " hahah love to see english people always trying to "dominate" the french people hahahaha

  15. It was all over after Canada, in a boorish display of poor sportsmanship, ran up the score to 14-0 on Denmark. On Hockey Night in Canada, Don Cherry, a.k.a. the Coach, said such poor sportsmanship would anger the hockey gods and come back to haunt Team Canada, and he was right. I though the 2-1 loss to the Soviets might be sufficient expiation, but I was wrong. The hockey gods were very angry indeed, and now Finland advances while Team Canada has been bagged and put the curb for pick up. Let's hope that we can send a team that exhibits good sportsmanship because poor sportsmanship comes back to bite you every time.

  16. The winner of Russia vs USA will win the tournament is my prediction

  17. So unlucky in the OT. Broken stick on what could have been an easy goal then it goes the other way and we lose. Just unlucky

  18. 49 seconds left…broken stick on a empty net..Don Cherry was right again..the Hockey Gods will get you!

  19. So much hate about this.. Some even mentioning its because captain is french.
    I am sick of my Canada today and this just strentghens the vicious circle of hate between french and english people accross the country.
    In my opinion if you want to blame something, blame the broken stick, thats about all you can blame in this game, because sports will always have a lot of dice rolls in it.
    Also, imagine if everyone cared as much about sports as they care about social injustice… Woah! We'd finally have good politicians!

  20. Chok-anada. Di-Pietro was the only thing keeping this game from being 7-1. I’m sorry, but this is absolutely disgraceful. Kudos to Finland by the way, they deserved that victory.

  21. Hugely disappointing end. DiPietro carried them, but they gave him no support. I don’t understand Hockey Canada’s decision to name Comtois as captain or Hunter as coach. Both didn’t lead by example, and Hunter didn’t change up the Powerplay which was a huge liability and the main reason we couldn’t put teams away.
    Hockey Canada deserves a lot of blame too.

  22. Hey Canada give these kids a break…..they tried and it just was not to be…..a really fluke goal tied the game.

  23. you guys are a bunch of assholes. blaming a french canadian for losing. so much for us canadians being nice, you guys can't even handle a loss. it's hockey that happens. and in my opinion it was more bad luck than anything. blame who you want but it was a team loss not all of maxime comtoises fault. (except for Michael Dipietro who was stellar)

  24. If Canada cannot beat Finland at home on the small ice, we should just give up. Hopeless.

  25. Looking back a year later, y’all are fucking idiots for the Comtois Comments
    He did what he needed to do for Canada, score, play as a Captain, yes he did some stupid shit, he’s also 19.
    Look what Andersson did, I think it was more selfish than Comtois
    And the Penalty shot. Do you expect him to do a Datysuk or something, Player CAN miss the PENALTY SHOT, but apperantly he can’t for some fucking reason

    And now look what this kid is living with, the amount of Cyber Bulling is completely unacceptable.
    You guys got pissed a Hayton and then brushed it off, but not Comtois because he tried

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