@Philadelphia Flyers

[Strang] According to London Police spokesperson reached this morning, the investigation into 2018 WJC sexual assault allegations remains “active and ongoing”

Hart suddenly going private on instagram means something else is afoot, I suppose.

by StephDoesntCamp


  1. StubbornLeech07

    But reddit told me it meant he’s guilty

  2. Flyingchairs

    No point in speculating till it officially comes out. Hart making his IG private is odd but likely not related to this at all.

  3. GimmickyBulb

    To me, it’s kind of weird seeing people crusading against speculation on this topic. A forum like r/flyers is, like, 99% speculation. Lol.

    *Should we draft this guy?

    Should we have drafted that guy?

    Is so and so playing injured?*

    The whole project here is speculation. If you want the cold hard facts, pick up the Encyclopædia Brittanica not your cell phone.

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