@Vancouver Canucks

Both Dhaliwal and Drance (on todays Donnie and Dhali), and appearently Friedman as well are all saying Quinn Hughes will be the next Captain.

Sounding very likely the Quinn Hughes will be taking on the C next season. I personally think its the best choice as he’s well spoken, seemingly level headed and one of the teams best talents.

Edit.. Friedman mentioning it at 34:30. Donnie and Dhali have yet to post Drance clip on youtube.

Drance interview

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by Swimming_Departure18


  1. GeekLove99

    Needs a “just fucking name someone so we can stop with the daily ‘Hughes should be the next captain’ posts”.

  2. Judge24601

    It’s funny in retrospect how much it came out of left field (considering Pettersson was the heir apparent for a while) but it makes so much sense. Elite player, demonstrates strong leadership, speaks up without getting hot-headed. Miller and Petey are the perfect A’s for him IMO – strong leadership trifecta.

  3. Strict-Caterpillar38

    As just a random fan I can’t choose between the 3. There seem to be good arguments for each but I’ll defer to the people who actually work with these guys on a daily basis. I’ll be happy if it’s Hughes.

  4. TheRealTollah

    Seems like this is probably a result of a conversation from Quinn, Petey and Miller. I can’t see the team making this decision without speaking to the guys.

    I can see Miller and Petey both giving their blessing to Quinn as the captain. He seems like he’s got the right personality and I think has already earned a lot of respect.

    If anything this should shut up the doofus NJ fans.

  5. metrichustle

    I was sold on him being captain since the end of last season. Here’s why:

    1. Addressing the fans at the last home game. This shows he has initiative and leadership without being asked to do it. He saw a hole once Horvat left, and he stepped up without hesitation.

    2. Speaking on controversial issues, such as addressing Pearson’s injury when others shied away from such topics. He’s not afraid to speak his mind on behalf of his teammates.

    3. Calm demeanor on and off the ice. Never gets too high or too low. Not erratic like JT. Captain needs to stay calm and weather the storm throughout the season.

    4. Comfortable in front of media in comparison to Pettersson. Not giving sassy answers and having more patience with the media’s stupid questions. Regardless, it’s part of the job as a professional hockey player.

    5. Smartest guy on the ice. Maybe controversial and Pettersson likely wants something to say about this, but I think Hughes has the highest hockey IQ on the team.

    Hughes is the best choice.

  6. OceanicCapybara

    I was hoping it would be Pettersson because I thought it may have given him another gear, but I could definitely see him wanting a few days off from dealing with media.

    We are in a good spot where we have 3 good options to wear the C

  7. If you asked me a year ago who would be captain of Bo left I wouldn’t hesitate to say Pettersson. It’s funny how quickly things can change. From Petey downplaying a captaincy for himself every time he was asked to Quinn taking the reigns as the voice for his teammates, there’s no question it’s gotta be Quinn.

  8. NerdPunch

    I think either EP40 or QH43 would be good choices.

    That said, I think with Jack being Captain in NJD it lights a fire under QH43’s ass and he really wants to lead this franchise. I think he *really* wants it.

  9. shadownet97

    Did they specify next season or are they speculating it’ll happen next season?

    I don’t think we need an official C next season or for a while unless Quinn says he’s ready.

  10. SackofLlamas

    It seemed inevitable it would be either him or Pettersson, and unlike Pettersson Hughes seemed to genuinely want the job.

    From a team perspective anything you can do to increase his roots/ties to the community and the team is good, so we’re not counting the days for his dead sprint to NJ the moment his contract ends.

  11. Horvat53

    Sometimes your best player isn’t the de facto captain. Petey has a lot of uncertainty surrounding his future with the team. He doesn’t handle the media the best and comes off a bit reserved. Hughes interviews much better, is able to articulate his analysis of situations well with media and seems to really care and wants to see improvement for the team. Nothing wrong if Petey stays and receives an A in the future.

  12. Knight_On_Fire

    On one hand I’d love to see Quinn as captain as he is the best choice. On another hand I might wait a season to name a captain because I’m worried the team is going to faceplant again and I want the next captain to hit the ground running.

    The team still doesn’t feel like it has an identity. It has to win first to develop an identity and then things fall into place (big wins not end of season wins). If there’s a hyped up Quinn ceremony and the team faceplants… it just turns into more content.

    But I guess best case scenario is he gets the C, takes the bull by the horns and rights the ship. I’m just not sure with the flat cap the team has done enough to correct what “too honest” Rutherford called a country club.

  13. Petey isn’t suited for the media attention and Miller is too divisive.

    Hughes is the right choice.

  14. julesieee

    I have always said in the past that Quinn would probably end up as the new Captain once there is a vacancy but always got downvoted because everyone was already settled on Petey taking captaincy. Hmmmm, look who’s right again. 😈

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