@Los Angeles Kings

BREAKING: The New York Rangers Sign Jonathan Quick!

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  1. So with all the Ranger needs and the fact they have an epic goalie with Shesterkin this is their first move???? Huh…

  2. Love this move. He'll be highly motivated and we only need him playing here or there. Benoit will make it work.

  3. After putting up With all that Negativity after the Rangers aquire Jonathan Quick to be Igors BACKUP goalie I'm immediately Unsubscribing from this guys channel. Quick may not be in his prime but he's still a pretty solid goaltender. But still it's always gotta be followed by negativity from this guy. I agreed with him about Panarin and all, but everything's always gotta suck with this guy. Unsubscribing.

  4. so Drury is going for Cole Eiserman this upcoming draft. I can't see NYR being anything but a bottom feeder this season. Unless a major roster shake up is coming.

  5. It all depends on What He's going to get. If He's getting so much more than DeMing, to not being able to do Tarasenko Sign, it's A Problem. If Quick is going to ruin it, then I'm going to start looking at Chris Drury as A Rental Only GM.

  6. I don't know if You agree with Me, Core, but, this Acquire & Don't Sign, even if Chris Drury isn't giving up much for these Rentals is starting to Bug Me, since it's what they did before & led up to The 2018 Rebuild

  7. good idea. even if he doesn't get much ice time, he'll serve as a great mentor for a rookie goalie (assuming they have any).

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