@National Hockey League

Is the Curse of St. Patrick a real thing?

They traded him 28 years ago and are in a 30 year cup drought. They’ve had heart ache and near misses(granted it was in the weird COVID bubble season). A great deal of trades, draft picks, free agent signing just seem to go wrong. Is there any truth to maybe the gods of hockey are punishing the historic best team in hockey for their misdoings towards one of there all time greatest goaltenders? Plante, Dryden, and Roy are a good thing for the Habs to be able to debate about picking a tandem for an all time team.

by monstahrain


  1. Independent-Blood833

    Hell yeah it’s a real thing.Before he was traded,the coach refused to pull Roy during a game against the Wings until they scored their 9th goal on him. He wanted to knock Roy down a peg or two, instead he ended up driving a HOF goalie into demanding a trade that took place 4 days later.

  2. coreyv87

    Not really. The league kept expanding after 93, most teams lose, and the teams that win tend to win more than 1.

    Only 8 of the past 29 champs have “only” won it once in their window. These numbers may be generous too. For this iteration of Colorado and Vegas, it’s too soon to conclude they’ll be one-and-done champs, so that 8 number may be artificially high.

  3. SSJ4Link

    Leafs fan…. 30 years is nothing. Get back to us when you hit 50.

  4. propagandavid

    If the Canadiens are cursed, please explain all the other teams that have gone 30+ years without a Cup.

  5. LT568690

    Damn right it is. I hate the Habs with every fiber of my being, but they traded the greatest goalie EVER and they got punished for it. Hopefully for the rest of time!

  6. OIdChunkOfCoaI

    People who believe in curses are ridiculous


    Not curse. We haven’t been “Cup winning good” since then. It’s been super solid mediocrity, either barely squeeking into the playoffs or even if we finished high enough we were never a realistic threat to win it all. Price has been our only superstar since then.

    We whiffed on so many draft picks during that time I can’t believe we weren’t worse. Never a real rebuild, it was always stick a knockoff bandaid on it and pray that the adhesive doesn’t immediately fail. Bad decisions by management etc…

  8. simonlegosu

    The curse was lifted when Mario Tremblay and Roy made peace.

  9. Ilkley_dipper

    Much more to do with the comparative strength of the US $ and how it weakens Canadian teams than any curse.

  10. IndependentNo7

    The real curse and irony is that he won right away with the team he got traded to. By trading their best player they gave up any chance to get another cup run for that era.

    Cup « windows » are narrow nowadays and easily take a decade(s) to open up again. They had a chance in 2014 but Price got destroyed and again in 2020 but they were just outplayed in the finals.

    I still think they could « have lifted the curse » by giving him a shot at coaching for Montreal. He was one of the best coach’s in the junior league.

    But yeah about it being a real « curse », it’s like all those people that were talking about the ghosts in the old forum 😂.

  11. olgartheviking

    The real curse is that of the Bell Centre. We never should have moved from the Forum where so many cups were won to the new arena. We had all these ghosts of former players helping the Habs win but they were never given the directions to the new place. Now they’re stuck under a crappy shopping mall which is what the Forum became.

  12. hockeynoticehockey

    Lifelong Habs fan, but I dislike Roy with a passion. I know he was pissed, I know Tremblay was playing stupid head games but to do what he did the way he did it goes against everything I’d be taught regarding loyalty. I know I’m in the minority but I am not a fan at all.

  13. thekitchenaides

    The only really good thing Tremblay did for the organ I zation is to set up Lambert in’79. Apart from that ☠️.
    I’ll wait. ✌🏻

  14. SMF1834

    I honestly think the curse began with the call for McSorley’s stick blade measurement. Habs won the Cup but fucked themselves and Canada indefinitely after that.

  15. Oreobunny55

    The best goalie the Habs will ever have!

  16. Mr_FortySeven

    If Montreal is cursed, all of the Canadian teams are even more cursed. They’re both the most recent Canadian cup champions and most recent Canadian team to appear in a cup finals.

  17. Several_Cry2501

    All Canadian markets are at a competitive disadvantage in free agency.

  18. Kushykush_

    Shit management not a curse (also might just be me but did the habs just recently start going after more non French players cause that seemed like a problem for ages

  19. Darwing

    Wtf is this post??? They traded him as the best goalie in the world had terrible management clearly and are still recovering that is all.

  20. Slice_Of-Pie

    What will it take to break the curse? Do we have to hire Roy in some management capacity?

  21. Vobby_Balentine

    It’s not just the Habs that are cursed, it’s all Canadian teams. ’93 was Canada’s last Cup, and clearly the curse won’t end for a few more years here – it has to last 33 years.

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