@Dallas Stars

Radko Gudas “High Hit” Against Luke Glendening, Red Wings Announcers Not Happy

Penalty or no penalty?

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. Gudas intentions were not meant to get him in the head hence the shoulder lead but he just managed to hit him high. It happens but even though he didn’t mean to it wasn’t a good hit

  2. IMHO clean hit. Good hit.
    When this type of physical play happens you can always in the comments tell the guys who have played for awhile and who is a youngster.

    He tucked the elbow, shoulder up. Didn't extend or leave his feet. This is a picture perfect shoulder check actually.
    If Glendening is skating with his head down, and leading into Gudas' shoulder with it, that is on him.
    Sometimes when you hit, the head makes contact. Not intentional, but you are playing a physical game….at least for now. Judging by the comments and announcers, we will have soccer on ice soon.

  3. @Jens95 you're awesome and I love you, but if you think Ken and Mickey are biased to the point that they need to be called out for it, that's pretty silly. Silly in the context of this situation, as it was simply a questionable hit and not a flagrant cheap shot (and the announcers treated it as a questionable hit, not a flagrant cheap shot). And silly in the context of the NHL, as the majority of other team's home announcers actually ARE comically biased. Anyway clap bombs fuck moms thanks for all the sweet videos.

  4. maybe they should wear a cage. then we can have big hits without the guys being out of commission for 10 mins.

  5. That's a high hit. And it's Gudas so for all I care throw the book at him. However. What the fuck did Glendenning think was going to happen there? Oh so he doesn't need to do anything but lean into an oncoming hit with his face? If this is anyone but a repeat offender, idc about this play

  6. How are y’all defending him? That’s a hit to the head? That’s dirty asf… do u want players to turn into vegetables when they retire

  7. It wasn't a high hit. Wings announcers are such homers. Also Luke Glendening is one of the dirtiest players in the NHL. He has been cheap shotting guys for years along with his now washed out buddy Justin Assaultkader. He got what he has had coming and really it isn't enough someone should pound this Glendening weasel into the ice.

  8. No penalty. No targeting of the head. Gudas had his elbow tucked in. led with his shoulder, kept his knees bent – did not straighten-up before contact. Radko Gudas is 6'0", Luke Glendening is slightly shorter at 5'-11". It was unfortunate for Luke Glendening that he was not looking up ice until a fraction of a second before the hit, and his body position was a bit lower at the time of contact with the slightly taller Gudas.

  9. Not sure if clean but the league has reviewed and decided on not imposing sanction on a lot more obvious head hits so far this year

  10. Face it people do not want contact hockey Gudas did not run him >>>>hit him with his shoulder like you should >>>> the armor plated shoulder pads players in the modern game are the problem>>>>>soon hits will be banned .

  11. If you are skating with your head down you will be hit in the head if somone's hitting you from the front. It was a clean hit. Imagine if this continues – just bend your knees when someone hits you and they are out?

  12. Get serious NHL or there is going to be a death or paralysis. Start all high hits off at 10 game suspensions. Otherwise, the most popular piece of hockey equipment will be a stretcher.

  13. i cant stand gudas. but honestly with glendenings head looking down at the puck and the speed im finding it tough to see how gudas is supposed to hit differently. how can you make contact with the chest or shoulder in this case without getting a bit of the head thats facing down. maybe im wrong, im just not convinced this is a dirty hit

  14. It's almost lke Glendening ran into Gudas. What's Gudas supposed to do? Dodge him? The contact to the head was Glendenings fault, he had his head down.

  15. I'm kind of surprised to see so much criticism of Glendening here. He's not amazing but is basically a hardworking, grinding type of hockey player. Pretty tough too. He's back already, scored a goal tonight. As for the hit, I think it was just bad geometry and body positioning, like a few others have commented. The head contact was unfortunate but other than that it looked like an okay hit. All of the "keep your head up kid" stuff is pretty annoying since Glendening has been around a while and it doesn't look like he had his head down too much when this happened, just leaning forward normally. I think he may have just misjudged the angle and timing of the hit or something. Also, Ken and Mickey really aren't too badly biased. Yeah of course they are mostly about the home team, but they spend a lot of time praising the other teams too and are usually the first to call out the wings when they mess up (which happens very often), just saying. pretty long comment, i know.

  16. Getting tired of cry baby shit. Hall of famer Scott Stevens would've been suspended to oblivion before he even got to the devils! Keep your head up in the neutral zone!!!

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