@New York Islanders

Adam Goodes’ response to the racism incident against Collingwood R9 2013

Swans veteran Adam Goodes’ thoughtful response after the incident on Friday night.

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  1. Still makes me sad. A champion bloke and a champion player. Great to see him doing so well now. Australia is definitely getting better but still a way to go

  2. and yet 3 days after this incident and an apology in the sydney rooms
    from eddie mcguire, mcguire himself on monday morning radio called adam an ape.
    a hypocrite of the highest order.

  3. He’s such a wanker not because he’s an aboriginal but because he’s got the iq of a goldfish 🤦🏻‍♂️

  4. This wanker is a big reason they’re pushing for apartheid it’s great he isn’t in the hall of fame it’s a Celtic game and you should tell your family to stop calling white people white doggs ya grub look in the mirror lol you’re pretty white and pretty uneducated yourself id say it to your face ya farkwit I’m a proud Irish Australian my ancestors built this country and invented the game that made your whining arse millions of dollars 👌

  5. It IS her fault and it’s sad that people don’t see that. She is plenty old enough to know what racism is and what her words mean. The fact that she was grinning during and after shows she said it to hurt. She’s a brat that needs a slap.

  6. Young or old always called out and named the racist people. They will never learn if they are not called out.

  7. I get called a cracker-ass-bitch in Harlem. But evidently that not racism. So.. I’m just a worthless white piece of shit. It’s unfortunate. But true. It hurts. But.. thats the law now.

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