@New Jersey Devils

Kevin Kaminski vs Mark Messier / Rangers vs Capitals Line Brawl 1995

Mark Messier ( NY / New York Rangers ) vs Kevin Kaminski ( Washington Capitals ) – hockey fight & brawl with Nick Kypreos, Joby Messier, Brian Noonan, Dale Hunter, Jim Johnson and Mark Tinordi, Glen Featherstone and Sylvain Cote

NHL March 18, 1995


  1. I wonder if JD had similar comments on domi when he broke in with the rangers

  2. Tinordi was a bad man ….one of most underrated fighters in NHL History … messier knew better

  3. So Messier a throws a punch while Kaminski is being tied up by the official, such a punk and a dirty player

  4. JD is defending Messier & calling Kaminiski an animal. Isn't Messier the same guy that elbowed both Joel Otto & Mike Modano into next week?
    Too much homerism, even for a regional broadcast.

  5. Ahh Messman, one of the dirtiest pricks in hockey. Had to hit K-man while the ref was holding him back lol. POS

  6. Kaminski was a joke… not only was he a runt ..he fell down in every fight.. clown

  7. Davidson brutally blunt insults of Killer's minor league style of gooning a lil too unsophisticated for the NHL. 80s Hockey Biofiles amazon books $14.99!!

  8. Davidson is such a damn homer. He didn’t tell Messier to go to a different league when Messier threw cheap shot after cheap shot for over twenty years. Please.

  9. Messier was a great hockey player, but a horrible "tuff guy". Also an amazingly dirty player.

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