@Seattle Kraken

Cale Makar interference on Jared McCann – Have your say!

Cale Makar delivered this hit to Jared McCann well after McCann had shot the puck and turned away. It was called a major penalty for interference but reduced to a minor.

Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. 2 minutes, sure. Suspension? No. Unless you never watch hockey, the initial hit looks like a hockey hit. The one thing the refs did right in this game was make it a 2 minute because the hit isn’t what hurt McCann, the whiplash of his head hitting the ice did. McCann also made no effort to shield himself from the fall. I’ll cut the Kraken fans so slack, they are new to playoff hockey.

  2. The way I can see it, mcann knows the puck is going out, but is also cutting to the corner. Makar thinks that mcann is chasing the puck, and makes the hit. The whistle was not blown yet, so Makar has not realized that the play is dead, and, as you get taught to do, you play until the whistle.

    Mcann goes down hard because he is not expecting the hit, Makar makes a regular playoff hit given the circumstances.

    This is partially on the refs for not blowing the whistle fast enough, but mostly an unfortunate accident. Give him two minutes though, sure.

  3. The lateness and force it was delivered with deserved a major in the game, and a suspension of 1-2 games (playoff games counting double), so I'd give this 4-5 games in the regular season. The players are not respecting each other this post season, and players are being injured for it. These aren't accidental injuries, these are injuries on plays that are meant to injure. Why else body check someone violently into the boards well after the play is over? Why else do a two handed chop at someone''s hands? Why else elevate a check on an unsuspecting player after the puck is long gone (Pavelski). This is not "hockey" (Queue "You must not play hockey, bruh" commenters)… this is purely an attempt to injure someone.

  4. Rolling the penalty back to minor may ultimately end up screwing over Colorado. I suspect if it were 5 and a major there would be no hearing this morning. Makar could be gone for two games or more if the Bunting precedent is followed. But then again I don't understand the Bunting decision or anything else Player Safety does anymore. (not a Toronto fan)

  5. It was careless, and deserves a suspension. We all know it won't be "fair" probably since it's Makar and not some goon but still…

  6. Clear intent and 3 seconds after the puck left the rink. Minimum it should match Bunting and have been a major followed by 3 game suspension if not more. There is no excuse for the officials to change their minds and consider this 2 for interference. This is the Superstar double standard at play, plain and simple.

  7. Can you play the audio so we can hear that the whistle was not blown until after the hit? Makar is unaware the puck is in the netting and he is playing until he hears a whistle. Give us all the information so the people can make a correct judgment.

  8. With the puck out of play, that looks really bad. While we're on the topic of Interference, though, let's look at a couple parts of the rulebook that could use some updates:

    From 56.1 (interference): "Possession of the Puck: The last player to touch the puck, other than the goalkeeper, shall be considered the player in possession. The player deemed in possession of the puck may be checked legally, provided the check is rendered immediately following his loss of possession."

    From the glossary: "The last player to physically touch the puck with his stick or body shall be considered in possession of the puck."

    I don't think this applies to this play, given that the puck was over the glass… but the rules seem to imply that McCann would have been fair game so long as the check was delivered not too long after another player TOUCHES the puck. On top of that, the wording in 56.1 should probably says "The player deemed in possession of the puck may be checked legally up to and including the moment immediately following his loss of possession."

    The other problem is that using "possession" as the key word technically opens the door for hitting players several seconds after they dump the puck in, so long as no one else touches the puck. The words "control of the puck" could fix that, although I'm not sure the rulebook is explicit about when, exactly, a player is deemed to have lost "control."

  9. Should've been a 5 minute, but not that he's injured a game.

  10. 2 minute penalty for interference. No suspension. Makar isn’t a dirty player, ref is half at fault

  11. Not one to hand out Majors all the time, but that one was just over the line and should have been a major. I dnt know what he was thinking… It kind of looks like McCann was tracking a puck and Makar didn't know where it was so he took the body. Pretty random and have never seen Makar make a dirty play before, hopefully McCann will be ok. One game if I were handing out the suspensions.

  12. So this video doesn't have sound on it which makes my argument tough here. Watching this live I didn't hear the whistle until AFTER the hit has made. Historically two guys going into the corner on a loose puck don't get called for interference for a hit like this. I don't think Makar knew the puck went out of play here I think he was going into the corner to try and retrieve the puck. The hit itself wasn't a dirty hit if you are playing until you hear a whistle as you should. It wasn't to the head, he didn't charge the man, he didn't lead with an elbow or anything along those lines. Makar doesn't have a rep as a dirty player, in fact I saw him go to the refs after a tripping call earlier this year and tell them he wasn't tripped he just lost an edge so they took away the penalty. I don't think there was a call initially but the refs got together and made one after it was clear McCann was injured they called a major. They reviewed it and determined it wasn't a major so it had to be reduced to a minor. I think had he not been hurt on the play it is a non call.

  13. If a play is worthy of a penalty and another player is injured , then it should be worthy of a suspension . Perhaps they could start tying the length of the suspension to the length of time the injured player is out .

  14. Late and no puck in play. He even stares at him recognizing that he doesn't have the puck and is not engaged in the play before starting his check. Lowers the shoulder and actively pushes off. It's not like it's just a nudge that surprises him, he shoves him into the boards. Should've been a major and should be a suspension.

  15. Whistle not being blown has nothing to do with it, Makar should’ve 100% been tracking the puck and realized McCann wasn’t playing it. The fans to the right of the incident are not even towards the players that’s how not close the puck was. If the fans can follow a puck the guy getting paid to play the game should be held accountable. 2 game suspension.

  16. Let's see…He shoots the puck ABOVE the hash marks and 26 feet later gets taken hard into the boards? How can anybody in their right mind not see this as interference (or roughing…take your pick)? Depending on Makar's record (and I think it's pretty clean), he might get 1 game at the most in the playoffs.

  17. There is no way people are saying three game suspensions for this 😂 this is a textbook interference call maybe a five minute major at best

  18. In normal rules he was the last Seattle player to touch the puck and Makar finished his check.That's not a penalty.BUT,in today's "Disney Rules" game they say it's "late".It would be interference ONLY if McCann hadn't touched the puck.

  19. Late hit. I agree with one post that says if a player should be suspended for as long as player is out. I don't want NHL to have no hitting, it's always been a part of the game. I saw he got 1 game. Honestly should of been 2. I like Makar, but he has got to play smarter than that. That's the only avalanche player I like. Go Seattle.

  20. Thats not a tough call..he pushes hin as pucks out of play then drives him into board complete bullshit call.. seattle bettee only get 1 game and let rhem run cale so hes out for good .. this new school hockey with shit ref calls is annyoing .. nobody can beat his ass cause theyll get suspended longer then he got

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