@San Jose Sharks

James Reimer – The Future (HD)

The future of the Toronto Maple Leafs is in the hands of James Reimer.
A tribute of the Toronto Maple Leafs James Reimer.
Highlights of James Reimer’s 2010/2011 Season.

Song: Two Steps From Hell – Love & Loss
NHL Tributes

Special Thanks Yee34


  1. The thing I love about Reimer is his positioning. He isn't like Marc Andre Fleury in that he will make super acrobatic saves but he doesn't have to because he is always square to the shooter. Watching him this year I had two quarrels. 1st was that his glove was a bit below average and the 2nd was that his rebound control at times was iffy. However the more he played the better those things became. Thats what makes him great. He adapts and becomes better. AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT.

  2. @WahooWa1819 I find that it's really too bad that there aren't more people like you that voice their opinions. It seems that all we see these days are people going oh you suck and your team is shit. Sure, we can say that about a team when a game is being played but like I'm a hardcore Leafs fan and if i were to watch a game versus the Caps of course I'll be like "CRUSH EM!" but as soon as the game is over. The Caps are just another hockey team and I respect them. Thanks for your awesome comment!

  3. @AndrewR192 i totally agree with you.CANADIENS SUCK!!GO LEAFS GO!!THE PLAYOFFS ARE OURS!!!!

  4. @AndrewR192 You must be a Leafs fan blind to everything in the NHL but the "legendary" Leafs. Price is triple the goalie Reimer will ever be. And this is coming from a Red Wings fan.

  5. @Belij19 Price is more consistant than Reimer. He played more than twice as many games as Reimer and had better stats than him. If Reimer played 60+ games, he would be just as bad as Toskala or Gustavsson.

  6. @efaccenda Yeah, a two-time All-Star goalie is worse than a minor-league goalie who played less than half the games the other one played and managed to get worse stats.

  7. @PMar797 at least it didn't take reimer 2 seasons to start making saves…he also has yet to get booed off of the ice by his own fans…why the fuck are you even watching leaf videos if you're a habs fan anyways? I would rather poke my eyeballs out with a blunt knife before i watched a habs tribute video…you're probably a closet leaf fan just dying to come out…don't be scared, you can say it, it's ok…

  8. @efaccenda Hey genius, I'm a Red Wings fan. Sure, Price got booed, but that's what motivated him. At least the Habs fans didn't throw waffles at him. And don't worry, Reimer will drown overtime.

  9. we need reimer back in order to keep this lead, gustavon is an average golaie… but scrivens is just…..not…. please reimer come back!!!!!

  10. haha pretty funny comment. you must still be pissed off that the habs humiliated(first time in nhl history 1seed team lose a 3-1 serie lead to the 8th seed) your team 3 years ago. it really bother you that we boo ovechkin? c'mon. yeah im sure bandwagon caps fans(were you guys were before ovi) know there hockey better than habs fans. worst fans in the game. that even funnier. ask the players the played in montreal, best city in the world to play hockey. caps fan lol

  11. im working on a rimer video now and i wanted to say, holy shit there is no way im going to make a better one then this! its pure gold!

  12. look at him this year shutout against montreal hed been playing amazing and speaking of this year theres jvr reimer scrivens kadri kessel lupul bozack frattin and more

  13. your totally wrong if that true why was toronto first before reimer was injured and how did he get a shutout against montreal

  14. Remember last season when they played really well for like 3 months? Or the season before when they played good for three months? They start off strong every year, it just so happens that this season is only about 4 months so they seem better because each game is equal to 2 in a regular season.

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