@Montreal Canadiens

[Stu Cowan] “Its just not going to happen,” Carey Price says about his knee healing well enough for him to play hockey again

[Stu Cowan] “Its just not going to happen,” Carey Price says about his knee healing well enough for him to play hockey again

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. Emer1929

    If it’s not going to happen then retire.

  2. Hockeymask27_

    Just hope it heals enough for him to enjoy life with his kids. He earned it.

  3. AmsroII

    You just know he would try a few playoff games if we happen make it in the next 3 seasons. 🦀👀

  4. Mtlsandman

    “I’m retired but I can’t say I’m retired because I’m still owed $17million”

  5. ItzEnoz

    I really hope they don’t trade Prices contract

    I get it’s a business and he’s done playing anyways but symbolically you can tough out a few more years with the deal for all the years he gave to this team

  6. SceneAccomplished549

    He’s lying to us, he will come back, then we go all the way to a cup final and win…… don’t destroy my dream.

  7. Le8ronJames

    I just fell on my knees in the middle of Sports Experts

  8. Neither_Detail8608

    If we make playoffs he’s coming back – I guarantee it

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