@Dallas Stars

Divac y el incidente con la bandera croata en 1990

Vídeo complementario a la lectura del libro “Sueños Robados. El baloncesto yugoslavo.”. A la conclusión de la final del Mundial de Argentina’90, Vlade Divac discute con un aficionado que blande la bandera de Croacia, arrancándosela de las manos.


  1. there is a only one way to qrect mind. my mind as a muslim, as a turk, as a human, there is nothing better then jugoslavia. I miss it. Victoryi power and one of the best ecol of sports. United people fron different nation and culture. Respect and sympaty from the world. Muslim Delibasiç, serbian Divaç, crotian DRAZAN PETROVİÇ, ………..

  2. hrvatska zastava ima sahovnicu koja pocinje crvenim poljem.
    ustaska zastava ima zastavu koja pochinje belim.
    ovo nije bila hrvatska, ovo je bila ustaska zastava.

    a to sto su ga operativci udbe odgledali, i on i dan danas pricha o tome, to pokazuje da je drzava vec bila gotova.

  3. Yugoslavia was a mistake. After ww1 we the Serbs should have put the border give Croatia the country and everything would be different. But … it’s all in the past

  4. Divac je veliki sportaš, a ta država tada, zvala se Jugoslavija, i svi oni skupa osvojili su medalju za Jugoslaviju, a taj mali debil, sa tim sranjem od ustaške zastave, samo je napravio sranje.
    Hrvati su nedavno proglašeni najglupljim narodom na planeti, a ovaj video, i taj mali isprdak su dokaz tome.
    Ja sam Hrvat, i sve me više sram te činjenice.

  5. Osoba koja je nosila Hrvatsku zastavu je Tomislav Sakic sin Hrvatsog migranta!! Priznao je da Divac nije gazio zastavu, samo oteo i kasnije mu vratio!!!

  6. ¡¡¡¡Yu-gos-la-via, Yu-gos-la-via, Yu-gos-la-via, Yu-gos-la-via, Yu-gos-la-via, Yu-gos-la-via!!!!

  7. zastavu uneo na teren Tomas Šakić Bilanović sin Dinka Šakića upravnika logora Jasenovac i Nade Śakić polusestre Vjekoslava Luburića ustaškog komandanta… umesto da ga je otac naučio da ne provocira i da se izleči od tog bremena mržnje, on se bavi ovime, vidi se na snimku da je u pitanju zreli čovek i da zastava počinje sa belim poljem na grbu što je bilo karakteristično za hrvatske fašiste u 2. sv ratu. Nadam se samo da je svoju decu drugačije vaspitao, nego kako je otac njega… a nama ovde svima koji razumemo ovaj jezik kojim pišem će neko iz Argentine ili Austrije ili Australije ili Rusije ili iz centra nekog velikog našeg grada soliti pamet, neko ko je ili pobegao ili rata nije video, jer ovi koji su videli kažu samo ne ponovilo se. Gini narode, ubijaj i čitaj udzbenike iz istorije i pucaj na onog čiji jezik razumeš jer nije Hrist nego Krist i nije Bog nego Alah ili nekandruga glupa razlika u nekoj reči ili grbu. Gini narode krsti se , suneti se , gini stoko za tudje ciljeve i maši svojom religijom i običajima (koji su isti…) kao qrcem u obdaništu, jer nije dovoljno da si ponosan i sebi nego moraš i niz grlo da nabiješ taj ponos prvo deci pa svima ostalima. A ovom čoveku želim sve najgore jer se nije bavio humanitarnim radom već ide po utakmicama i svajad drugove pred još jedan rat u nizu.

  8. Y despues dos decadas: alguno de los bandos puede decir que valio la pena matarse como salvajes? Obviamente nunca entendere ese odio ancestral porque no soy balcanico, pero realmente esta debio ser una de las guerras mas crueles y ESTUPIDAS de la historia. Croacia, Serbia y Bosnia ( ni hablar de Eslovenia, Macedonia, Kosovo y Montenegro) NO estan mejor ahora que cuando estaban juntos.

  9. SOY MEXICANO y me hubiese gustado que Yugoslavia se hubiese mantenido unida, siempre me ha llamado la atencion la historia de ese pais y de toda la mezcla etnica que se tenia, del deporte ni sediga, mis respetos , son tremendos deportistas, me imagino la seleccion de futbol y de basquetbol en estos dias, hubieran dado miedo a muchos paises, saludos.

  10. I am Mexican and I would have liked that Yugoslavia could have been united nowadays, the story of Yugoslavia always caught my attention. I would have liked to see the basketball and the soccer teams from Yugoslavia nowadays, definitely it would have been a very respected team.

  11. Po meni divac ovdje nije imao losu namjeru u smislu da ima nesto protiv hrvatske pa to pokazuje na nacin da uzima zastavu, vjerujem da bi isto napravio da je bila srpska. U ono vrijeme u onom momentu kad su tenzije izmedu dva naroda ionako bile velike, jednostavno nije bilo moralno dic ni jednu zastavu osim yugoslovenske ( pusti politicki pogled na yugoslaviju, pricam samo iskljucivo o sportu). Mozda je drazen tu pogrijesno shvatio njegovu namjeru, al eto takvo vrijeme i takve okolnosti, lako je sad govorit.

  12. Varak deker oaueb iaydj aovsha uaushaba sigaywjsvsy hsahsuahsuahsu oebdj parek krele puceyek and bucetek. Crotas dão ré na rosca, arel kdta habbib és

  13. When the whistle was blown and the Finals ended , Tomas Sakic , a 41 year old nacionalist man who calls himself to be Argentinian since he was born there , and who's father was an immigrant from Croatia , ran on the court with a croatian-like flag , but IT WASN'T THE CROATIAN FLAG , IT WAS THE FLAG OF THE CROATIAN "USTASHA-FACISTS" , which were Nazis and had fought with Hitlers german facists against the rest of mankind in WW2 . "Croatian-like flag" because it only resembled to the today known croatian flag and it wasn't a real one , IT WAS THE FLAG OF THE RACIST FACIST USTASHA regime which fought with Hitler's racist facist troops and brought great cruelty to all the people WHO WERE AGAINST THE NAZIS . This , by the way , makes perfect sense , since a big part of the cruel Nazi killer troops left Europe after WW2 and were hiding in South America in order to not get prosecuted . Another part of them , mainly scientists and engineers were exported to the U.S. and were offered and accepted to work for the U.S. government ( Operation Paperclip ) , since U.S. interest was to make all of the Nazi scientific projects their own . Vlade Divac took the flag from the man and later clearly stated that it had nothing to do against Croatia , since "we all played for our country , which was Yugoslavia , and we all together , Yugoslavia , not Croatia alone had won this World Championship" . Which was actually nothing less than THE TRUTH . Matter of fact there were only 3 players from "Croatia" on that entire team : Toni Kukoc , Drazen Petrovic , and Zoran Cutura . The man that ran on the court , Tomas Sakic , even confirmed later that Vlade gave him his flag back afterwards , and that he hadn't damaged it , hadn't thrown it on the floor , and didn't spit on it or do something else dishonorable to it ( bacause that's what the croatian media had falsely stated back then , lied about , and even forbid Divac to travel to Croatia as a propaganda publicity stunt ) . Vlade Divac had just claimed that win for what it was , the win of Yugoslavia , the counrty where THEY ALL WERE FROM , versus the Soviet Union . Then while celebrating , you can see the entire team lift up the Yugoslavian flag and shout YU-GO-SLAVIA , YU-GO-SLAVIA … which was actually great , since Vlade Divac wasn't about to let some random nacionalist CLAIM the ENTIRE TEAM'S WIN .

  14. Croatian WWII Ustashi/fascist emigres found their sanctuary in Argentina. It was really expected from them to bring up old WWII flags of Fascist Croatia to the game. What was not expected was that the Yugoslav Croatians are gonna be offended by removing these flags.

  15. Also, this guy who brought this flag, Tomas Sakic, you can google his name, his father was Dinko Sakic, a fascist, and a commander of WWII Croatian concentration camp. His mother was a guard in a women's concentration camp, and his uncle was Vjekoslav Luburic, the commander of the whole concentration and extermination system in WWII Croatia. Now that's some pedigree.

  16. Solo había una bandera que representara aquel equipo de grandes estrellas y era la yugoslava. Las demás banderas sobraban ya sean croatas, eslovenas, serbias o macedonias

  17. Luego el fascismo alentado desde afuera se infiltró como el cáncer que es en algunos odiadores que terminaron destruyendo el que era el país mas próspero con un socialismo autogestionario,hoy se lamentan ya que nada les pertenece y todas sus empresas son manejadas por intereses externos

  18. This is the Ustase flag of NDH, the fascist Croatian regime during WW2. The guy holding it, is called Tomas Sakic and he is the Argentinian-born son of Dinko Sakic, a convicted Ustase commander of Jasenovac concentration camp and murderer of thousands. So Divac was absolutely right doing this, he should also kick the ass of tha fucking nazi scum

  19. Tomas Šakić is son of Dinko and Nada Šakić, nazis, who were one of the greatest nazis in the world, and of uncle Vjekoslav Luburić, who killed hundreds of children (Serbs, Jews, Roma) in the most brutal, sadistic killings in concentracion camps in NDH (Croatia) – Jasenovac Gradina, Jadovo…during WW2…

    And Tomas clearly is raised in parents nazi spirit…

  20. En Argentina llegaron todos los Ustashas de la 2da Guerra Mundial, es el centro de retiro de todos ellos, a diferencia de Chile que llegaron en si mayoría en el siglo XIX y no están politizados. Y son casi todos descendientes de pescadores y gente humilde. Por eso el simbolismo de la bandera croata.

  21. Desgraciadamente la acción de Vlade la tomaron mal en este caso Drazen inmadura mente reaccionó mal ya que solo querían estar unidos por el problema de su guerra

  22. We have to pay attention to the Croatian flag, it is not a normal flag, it has a fascist symbol, a black dagger, the Ustase symbol.

  23. ❤❤❤❤ CROATIA ❤❤❤❤





    VUCIC=PUTIN 🤮💩💩🤮

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