@Toronto Maple Leafs

No one wanted to hear Mitch Marner say that…

Mitch Marner gave an interview where he said “we do not care” about outside noise and a lot of Leafs fans weren’t happy with his response. In this video I go over his more negative response and contrast that to William Nylander’s more positive response.

#hockey #nhl #torontomapleleafs


  1. Whatever they do or say they need that one win to remind them that theyre a good team…if they have any pride they will do everything they can to win tonight

  2. ok firstly, yes I agree that Marner should not have put it that way, but being only one person on this team has to be awful. The only single player that can make a difference is the goalie. And most times its a negative difference not a positive one. Plus I am sure he has heard every possible "advice" there is to give. And seriously down 3 game to none in round 2? he knows they have probably less than 60 minutes left in this season and as we all suspect, most of management, coaches and players will be going somewhere else come June 2023 or at least before the 2023-24 training camp opens. The best way to avoid further disappointment from another Toronto Maple Laughs team is to disband it and drum them out of Canada. Go Laughs GO , AWAY FROM CANADA

  3. I found matthews to be worse. We just aren't getting the bounces. You just played the worst game of your career and your excuse is puck luck?

  4. Gotta own up for not playing well. Did gilmour, sundin or even guys like tucker ever had a horrible game in the playoffs repeatedly? Something definitely is wrong with the culture here thanks to brenden Shanahan

  5. Players mad cuz the media is calling them out but the media is the voice of the fans in this case. Sorry but if you don’t play well or play like shit you can move on to another city we don’t need you here.

  6. The fans would enbrace you and the team if you didnt lay a goose egg in this 2nd round so far if your going to lose go down fighting dont go down like a bunch of crybabies thats why the fans are pissed

  7. Maybe if he cared a bit more about what people are saying he wouldnt play like such a wuss.

  8. Reading too MUCH between the Lines. That was directed at REPORTERS NOT FANS.

  9. I think everyone needs to chill out. Years n years of media driven insanity. None of those guys are showing up to lose. No one plays to lose. It’s who they are and literally trying there best to win. It is what it is. Obvi something isn’t clicking and they aren’t good enough. Everyone needs to get a grip on themselves

  10. This is why the Leafs are losers. It is an organizational attitude that comes straight from Dubas and Shanny, (still can’t believe Dubas’s leash hasn’t run out). Marner is a great playmaker,,but he is not a playoff performer; he has never been a playoff performer, much like Johnny Gudreau. Marner is bitching about the media just like Dubas does the same and bitches about the refs and the league. Dubas is a dipshit,,,he spent all that money on 4 players and left nothing to fill out the most important roles. You can’t expect a young kid with no NHL experience to be a GM for one of the most important franchises in the NHL. And Shanny is 100% to blame. He rolled up Lou because he couldn’t stand being questioned/challenged. He hired Dubas because he could control him,,,and where are the Leafs now? So far they have won ONE more game in the playoffs then the past 11 years. If anyone thinks that getting past the first round is a victory,,,than they are clueless..

  11. Correct me if I'm wrong please. But mitches comments were after the game in which he was responding to the relentless and rarely positive media. And Willie's were before the game after practice media availability.

  12. I guess looking into it I was wrong. My apologies Either way it's the media he's talking about in my opinion. He want wanted to bring it back to TO.

  13. Mitch just isn't the guy you want talking in that situation. The media love to needle the players and the reporter got the response he was looking for — something that will anger fans and lead to more clicks on the reporters site. Anyways, glad they found a way to win tonight and keep the ride going for now.

  14. You call yourself a Leaf fan yet you kick him when he's down (and then the rest of you lot pile on). With such fickle "fans" no wonder he just wants to shut out the noise.
    btw – last time I open a video by so-called 'Papi'

  15. I think they should remove the media from the locker room for the playoffs. All they do is arouse negativity and feed off it.

  16. The team needs to focus on their game Not negativity from press or fans that are angry because they lost money$❤

  17. What on overly sensitive, childish thing to say. He has glaringly bad stats in meaningful games. Why not just own it and be accountable?

  18. 🍁Mitch if you produce it’s OK what you said, 🍁but this big 2nd round 💩, not so much! 🍁

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