@Vancouver Canucks

Vancouver Canucks VLOG: I won’t be selling my NHL Draft tickets…but it’s cool if you decide to

I’ve seen and heard a lot of uproar regarding people hoping to sell their NHL Draft tickets for a massive profit.

I wouldn’t do it, but I have nothing against people who do. I didn’t feel this way originally though. 😜



#canucks #nhl #nhldraft


  1. Not one bit! Season ticket holders fork out thousands of dollars per year. Using premium games and events to subsidize the total cost is the only way some of us can afford it.

  2. in my opinion i dont think the season ticket holders should buy the tickets with the intentions of selling and only sell them if they buy them then find out they are unable to make it. as i am not a season ticket member i really wanted to go to the draft but for the same amount of money i could go see a game next year and dont really see how that money is worth it

  3. TBH I was debating whether or not I would want to go to the draft, so in my own head I'm kind of happy that the decision was made for me based on this whole scalper debacle… With that being said though, I could definitely understand why those who are upset! This certainly wasn't what most Canucks fans had in mind haha

  4. I dont care that STM (or anyone that got s ticket) sell their tickets above market value…its how much over market value I have an issue with. Selling a US$28 for $500 is pretty obscene IMHO but as long as there are people willing to overpay by such a crazy amount sellers will be able to sell for that much.

  5. Not sure why it’s sold out. Looking at previous drafts on tv the crowd was not that full. If I did go I’ll just pick up tickets late for cheap.

  6. Doesn't matter what price they set it at. Any true hockey fan that would actually have the patience to go to an event like the draft would neither have the money to throw down on something like that let alone even wanting too and a regular joe who does have the dough wouldn't even be interested in the slightest, but good luck though lmao.

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