@Colorado Avalanche

Nichuskin is back with the boys!

How does everyone feel?

by jenjen_banks


  1. porkchopespresso

    Though I don’t like not knowing what happened here, it’s pretty clear we are never going to know. You either trust the Avalanche organization isn’t accepting a very terrible thing or they are accepting a terrible thing and hopes everyone will move on. Personally I trust that it was a bad look, but the worst case scenario is not something the Avs organization would sweep under the rug. And since we’re never going to know, and that’s all I have to go off of, I’m just letting it go.

  2. Val probably screwed up, and there’s no real getting around that. What happened behind closed doors is something we’ll clearly never be privy to, but I’m not proud of the stonewall approach the office gave us. Did he reconcile with the team and the management? Probably. I imagine there was a heavy amount of apologizing. It just comes across weird to not see the team address the fans in any way.

    On the flip side it’s possible there was some serious life event happening outside of the Seattle debacle that justified him leaving so suddenly. That at least would add up, and I wish they’d just say that. But from what we know it looks like a screwup, and I can’t see anyone in a more standard profession (e.g.: business, marketing, tech etc.) making the blunder he did and not getting fired. As someone else stated though, we just don’t know and it doesn’t look like we will. I just have to believe he had some important personal things going on to put my mind at ease otherwise it’ll drive me crazy.

    Edit: grammar

  3. I gotta say I disagree with most peoples’ take on this in this thread. I *want* to know what happened, but I don’t think I have any right to know. Obviously the league has handled various personal very poorly in the past, but I want to assume that the Avs handled things appropriately, and the league backed that up (again, I understand that’s not the highest bar to clear).

    Val went back to Russia, either of his own accord or because the team decided it was for the best, but there’s no reason to think he shouldn’t be allowed to make up for his mistakes and rejoin the team without needing to make a press release, as much as we’d all like that.

  4. Geez, the media and its obsession with questions. Let him play.

  5. edditorRay

    Glad he is back.

    Side note, Brennan is a great follow on Twitter…X? Twitter? Whatever the hell it is.

    Dude is ALWAYS on site for practices and gets some great content, without the weirdo vibes some of the others put out.

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