@Tampa Bay Lightning

MICK MCCARTHY | LIVE | The former ROI manager is in studio

Mick Mc Carthy has joined Joe in studio as he gets set to dive into the world of punditry with Virgin Media TV – Virgin Media Sport will launch at the later date of September 18th.

We’re talking life at 60, heading into a new line of work and a bit of nostalgia – get your thoughts and comments into us via text to 53106, or tweet us @offtheball.


  1. Mick McCarthy; top man, top leader of Ireland as both a player/captain and manager. Has proven to be a really great manager since then (2002) as well. I was hoping that Saipan wouldn't be mentioned in this interview (as it has been discussed ad nauseam) but I suppose it had to be brought up…

  2. Mick I’ll never get over you fuvkng up our one chance at the World Cup. I don’t blame you but fk figure it out…

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