@Montreal Canadiens

Brad Tavares shows respect to Chris Weidman after the fight

#chrisweidman #bradtavares #ufc292


  1. Brad was going to win this fight no matter what. I don’t know why he had to do this to Chris 😭🫶

  2. Chris's such a good dude, I hope he retires and enjoys the rest of his life.

  3. Bro, U have to know when to call it quits before you really hurt Ur self.

  4. Human beings are animals. You beat your a*ses up in a cage and later come together to say you are showing respect? WTF?!!

  5. Brad is one of the most dangerous fighter in the ufc and people forget that. Respect for Weidman that he took that fight after a terrible injury.

  6. It’s in us Pacific Islanders that after we whoop your ass we show you love n respect and yeah buddy…. This USO !!!!!!😂👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 congrats brad and Chris you’re a legend BLESS UP

  7. Chris broski just retire you did what you did you won the belt you defended the belt Your health is more important…enjoy your kids as a father myself time goes by way to fast ….cheers mate

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