@Seattle Kraken

Canada vs. Russia 2009 World Juniors Semi-Final (HD)

Full highlights of the Canada vs. Russia semi-final game at the 2009 World Junior Hockey Championship in Ottawa, including Eberle’s game-tying goal and the shootout.


  1. 11 years later, still in absolute awe at how much of a toolbag McGuire was during this moment. Idiot response, idiot commentary, idiot can't even get the player right.

  2. the most iconic Canadian world junior goal ever, and Pierre ruins it by giving a analytic summary of why the goal happened during the celebrations..

  3. Pierre Maguire is so weird and annoying the way he reacts to that goal. He's just creepy.
    Get him away from the NHL it's a bad look for the game.

  4. I was there that night and it was absolutely insane from start to finish but from Eberle's tying goal to the shootout, not one person in the building sat down. It was so loud, we couldn't even hear the music for the anthem after the game so we were almost a full verse ahead. Absolute madness.

  5. Канада самая сильная от начала и до сегодняшнего дня.
    Канада сильная даже когда её лучшие игроки не играют в чемпионате Мира.

  6. Thank God McGuire was not involved in The 1972 Summit Series. Our greatest moment ruined with, “I knew Henderson would go to the front of the net!! I seen it happening 2 minutes ago Foster🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.” “ This all started when the Soviet defence-man fell over and Canada with their offensive knowhow…..blah blah blah.”

  7. I like Eberle in this two tournements 2009 & 2010 Eberle score two very big goals 5-5 tied vs Russia 2009. 2010 5-5 tied vs USA 2010 but we lose in overtime 2010😒

  8. Pretty crazy that Cody Hodgson led the tournament in points in 2009. Unfortunately only got to play a few seasons before retiring for medical reasons.

  9. the crowd was celebrating Tavare's magical play. nothing else…

  10. Man nobody ever mentions the fact that Ryan Ellis whos about 5’7”…. launched off his feet into the air, with his arm, into the boards, to keep that puck in the offensive zone and made that ENTIRE play possible for Eberle to score what might possibly be the most clutch goal in not only Canadian World Junior’s Hockey.. but IIHF World Junior’s Hockey history ever!!! Unbelievable moment. I was 15 at the time, standing an inch away from my TV the last minute of that game, and went absolutely bananas when Eberle scored that goal!!!

  11. Fuck man, I really thought Angelo Esposito was gonna have a promising NHL career as a Pro… didn’t really hear much more about him after this tournament! He was a first round pick, 20th overall for Pittsburgh too!!

  12. Does the Mason Mactavish save/Kent Johnson goal push ahead of this game as the greatest junior moment of all time? I still think this one is #1.

  13. Чо Филатов выкинуть с зоны нормально не мог чтоль?

  14. This was the best tournament I can remember. My dad got me tickets to a few games for Christmas. Including the gold medal game. I told him I didn’t want to go to the gold medal game if Canada wasn’t playing 😂 it was dramatic but everything worked out

  15. Came back to this clip for Ryan Ellis, saved the game with the board play and his team finished the job

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