@Columbus Blue Jackets

“The Best Coach In NHL Hockey” (Part 2)

#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs #columbusbluejackets

The Columbus Blue Jackets hired one of the NHL’s most hated coaches in Mike Babcock. After being hailed as one of hockeys greatest coaches, Babcock’s treatment of his players has been a topic of discussion for years.

After Spittin’ Chiclets Paul Bissonnette spoke out about Babcock’s recent coaching tactics, Mike Babcock and the Columbus Blue Jackets decided it was best to resign before the season started.

Paul Bissonnette on Babcock (Spittin’ Chiclets)

Chris Chelios on Franzen & Babcock:

Johan Franzen on Babcock:

Babcock/Marner incident:

Mike Babcock CBJ Press conference:

Detroit Red Wings Ottawa Senators Toronto Maple Leafs Mike Babcock


  1. What goes around comes around-you never piss off your employees,they will eventually quit on you.

  2. Players can get signed for up to 8 years and can have NMC;s and or NTC etc. Coaches generally get signed for 3 or less. That right there shows who holds the real power. Ask kKen Hitchock who really held the power in Dallas, Hitchcock or Capt jamie Benn. It was clear from Benn's play exactly what he thought of Ken Hitchcock. Hitch had a 3 year contract but was fired after one season….

    If Babcock resigned does that let Columbus out of the contract? One would assume so.

  3. When Babcock said "LEt me see your phone" why didn the players say "Get f*cked. That's an invasion of privacy and I can sue your ass off. Scratch me now and I WILL sue your ass off"

  4. I like it becoming a players league. It’s majority white. You can see how good a league is when players are allowed to express themselves in non low class, low IQ ghetto ways

  5. You mean the guy that shoots Elephants and Lions in Africa is an a hole? The hell you say

  6. He somehow got to coach good team and then I'd listen to him and I'd hear a guy that seemed like he had no personality and a well below average IQ. I live in Ducks country but a life long Wings fan and I was dumbfounded that the Wings hired him. Nothing impressive about him.

  7. It has been said by many sports commentators that Babcock may never coach in the NHL again, but somehow I have a gut feeling this story isn't over yet. There are a lot of other things we don't know about this guy.

  8. It's great that the Mike Babcocks and the Joel Quennvilles of the hockey world are being exposed. It will make for a better culture within the sport.

  9. He’s a highly overrated coach, he was handed a stud lineup in Detroit with an already winning pedigree and wasn’t successful in Toronto. Not saying he’s an awful coach but why would any management group hire someone so off putting

  10. This coach is like a PEDOPHILE !!! He will never change,,a bully and manipulator !!! Don't even talk about him going to the Hall of Fame..The Blue Jackets are also guilty of this and should be held responsible…I think that Babcock walks away with some cash settlement,,,GM should have to share in paying this if this is the case,,,GREAT JOB BIZZ !!!

  11. Bro, you could have put me behind the bench of that Red Wings team and still won a cup. This guy is a joke that fluked into coaching a dominant team.

  12. Look at John Tortorella hes hard on the players but players respect him for the most part cuz he doesn't play games he keeps it 100% and trys help the player…..babs got off on playing mind games and didnt actually help players

  13. What's wild is that he's brining the player into a meeting and instead of using his experience that he's built up to measure a guy out with a light interview, he's just invading privacy instead as a shortcut to see how they are. I guess if you went through my photo reel you could intuit the kind of person I am, but you'd be just as far off if I presented some dolled up version of myself in order to impress you. It reeks of laziness and a lack of will to actually interact with anyone on a level beyond the game.

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