@Columbus Blue Jackets

Spittin Chiclets new podcast drops more details about different players and sources confirming the babs story (starts at 13:00)

Spittin Chiclets new podcast drops more details about different players and sources confirming the babs story (starts at 13:00)

by yout33rrr


  1. words_of_nerd

    The whole “young player invited to lunch, had phone inspected, and was told to leave without lunch” might be the most inhuman lizardman way to communicate I’ve ever seen.

    Guess what Babcock learned in his 3 years off was that being a sociopath and saying nothing is apparently better than still being a sociopath and speaking to it in the moment.

  2. tailford07

    I know they’re a controversial bunch so I understand not everybody is going to want to listen, but they absolutely nailed it.

    No chest pounding, no victory laps, just more in depth discussion beyond what the generic press releases have been. This guy needed to go and should have never been here in the first place.

    Apologies for name dropping Jenner. Ends with praising of the fan base and players.

  3. DopeToast32

    I don’t like Spittin’ Chiclets, but they had the last laugh here. What a mess this whole thing has been.

  4. ohst8buxcp7

    Summary from u/ndkjr70 on the r/hockey post:

    * They recorded the initial podcast (that reported about Babcock) on sunday. Biz asked around for a couple more sources monday before he felt comfortable releasing it tuesday.
    * Both Whitney and Biz had “several” current and former players verify what was being reported was true. There was no ambiguity — this happened.
    * Reading the tea leaves, some of the firsthand sources they had were from rookies / young players. Both guys kept saying “telling an 18 year old to hand you their phone is a horrible abuse of your power dynamic”. Shitty stuff.
    * Biz was surprisingly on a Blue Jackets defensive position this podcast. He made 2 pleas: first he asked the media to stop asking these players questions. “It happened in the off-season, it was addressed in the off-season, you can’t bother these players all year about it. They did nothing wrong.” Second, he took offense to Whitney saying Jarmo should get canned. Said he didn’t like Jarmo’s statement, but that Jarmo has a big heart and took a big leap giving a guy a second chance and shouldn’t lose his job for this.
    * Most surprisingly, apparently several of these incidents happened at Babcock’s house. In at least one of the incidents reported to Whitney, a young player was invited for lunch, told to take out his phone, had Babcock flip through his photos and then told him to leave… without lunch. He sounds like a sociopath.
    * An interesting point that Whitney made, aside from the obvious (pics of partying, pics of girlfriends, etc).. what if a player was in the closet? Your photos on your phone are private and should remain that way.
    * Some other stories about babcock were shared. One older player who hasn’t quite cracked the NHL yet said that he was sitting on the bench in an empty arena taping his stick before the final preseason game in Anaheim. Babcock came and sat next to him, said something along the lines of “this is pretty amazing isn’t it?.” When the player he agreed, Babcock continued; “soak it in, it’s the last time you’ll ever be on an NHL bench.” Serial killer behavior.
    * Mike Commodore was not the initial source.

  5. Archangel612

    The Spittin Chiclets guys aren’t really my cup of tea but I appreciate them trying to clear the air about this whole thing and how no one on the team did anything wrong, and especially for apologizing to Boone for name dropping him preemptively. If their podcast gives players another outlet to be able to get info out and allow them to protect themselves from this kind of toxicity, I’m all for it.

  6. hnglmkrnglbrry

    They were right and I think that their podcast has a place in hockey media even if I don’t enjoy it because they are in tune with the players more than any beat writers or pundits. No way this story ever comes to light without them and it could have wrecked our franchise to have this guy messing with the minds of our hyper talented young core that is critical to our success in the future.

  7. jakeyeah111

    fuck Babcock and I hope Jarmo has seriously done more damage control within the org than he has publicly

  8. DataDrivenPirate

    The way fans give awful people the benefit of the doubt blows my mind. Babcock, Urban Meyer, Deshaun Watson, etc these are bad men who have not and likely will never change. Stop giving your favorite sports person the benefit of the doubt. Sports are so fucking weird sometimes

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