@Calgary Flames Barry Beck vs Behn Wilson.wmv


  1. Wilson stole the fight from. Holmgren. Wilson also did this this when he overstepped a Flyer to fight Schultz. Wilson loved to fight the best.

  2. Beck was definitely a tough guy to beat. But if these two fought 10 times Wilson wins 7. ….that’s why Beck pulled the NCAA wrestling move after tasting a few upper cuts.

  3. Beck didnt want Wilson. When Wilson's uppercut screamed past his head Beck stopped fighting and went for the 2 hand hug. Dont blame ya Barry.

  4. Wilson and Holmgren both had no interest in fighting 21 Beaton, they both wanted Beck. 80s Hockey Biofiles amazon books $14.99!

  5. 21 on Rangers should have been sent down. What a coward

  6. I counted 3 punches Beck landed and none Wilson landed. In another fight Fotiu fucking clocked Wilson so hard he almost sent him to the dressing room.

  7. When you go for the bear hug, doesn’t that mean you quit, and want the refs to come in and save your ass?

  8. Beck did not win this fight. He wrapped Wilson up and held on. I like beck, he beat some tough fighters but he was not in Wilson’s league.

  9. Johnstone picking on Norm Barnes, since he wanted no parts of Hoyda after the major beatdowns he got

  10. At 1:32 Bubba also snapped his head back. Two vicious lefts by Beck snapping back Wilson's head. Clear win for Beck!

  11. Wilson got his ass kicked by Fotiu and Beck! Overrated Behn, he was tough with his stick but after his fight with Fotiu avoided Nicky like Covid -19.

  12. back when hockey was so great. and division rivalries were so true rivalries. love these old games flyers vs ranger games esp on wor channel 9

  13. Holmgren acted like he wanted to go with Beck but Beck destroyed him when Beck was on Colorado his first team. Weak attempt by Holmgren. Wilson was tougher and Beck always hugged anybody who could actually fight. He was like Mick Vukota.

  14. Wilson beat his ass many times. Barry beck was a gutless player.
    6ft 5 powder puff

  15. Beck was untangled with Holgrem well before the fight with Wilson. It tires you to do that. Beck was a full time player, taking on huge amounts of ice time. PP, PK. These guys were checking line players.
    Then you have to go out and fight these guys.
    Beck deserves a lot of credit and won all his fights. This one was close and the reason he wound up picking guys up and dumping them was to save his hands. Those guys weren’t worth the time in the box.

    Wilson WAS a great fighter but let’s compare apples to apples.

  16. beck had 68 fights in his nhl career. i think he threw 20 punches total…but wow, could he ever hug a player.

  17. The helmeted Holmgren head butted helmet less Beck along the boards to start the skirmish. Pissed off Beck was clearly looking for Holmgren only Wilson interceded and they fought. Holmgren owed Wilson a steak dinner after the game.

  18. Beck lands 2 Wilson lands 5. Beck stopped throwing and grabbed, 2 handed, around the waist. Odd move. Either fatigued, hurt, or just had enough of the extremely dangerous Wilson. Was Beck hurt at this time? I know he suffered from shoulder and back issues.

  19. Strongest guy out there was John D’Amico. He was a bull and could manhandle all the enforcers of the era

  20. I'm a Beck guy and far from a Wilson hater so my at least to me my unbiased review is Beck landed the hardest shot, Wilson threw more punches early so I'd call it a draw although I lean on giving it to Beck since he just had a grappling match with Holmgren getting headbutted by him and Wilson who was insanely tough was swatting Beaton away like a fly so he was more rested and from one report on another video from a fan who was there said Beck was at the end of his shift which I'm unsure of as I was 11 years old watching cartoons at gametime.

  21. Beck woulda been a good pro wrestler cause he sure as hell can't fight. Typical Beck fight, grab the other guy and wrestle him yo the ground

  22. That's it just irritated the hell out of Ben Wilson everybody was squaring off and he couldn't get a partner 🤣🤣

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