@Vancouver Canucks

Don and Rick chat about Andrei Kuzmenko choosing the Canucks

In our first segment the guys reacted to Andrei Kuzmenko signing with the Canucks and what it says about the organization.


  1. well pretty sure JR said its a country club and changes are needed….so don't think this says anything about changing culture. As no changes have been made other than firing all outside staff. WIll need to move out the floaters before there is change

  2. Nowadays people (including Canucks brass) talk about analytics and the like, but at the end of the day, it is still a people business, and building relationships count. Good job on Bruce and Patrik to show they are serious in wanting this guy – let's hope he can really rock and roll!

  3. We've been seeing it over the past few years Russians are helping teams win in the playoffs. Fun signing.

  4. Impressed with Canucks managemwnt to get this player. This gives Canucks room to potentially move Miller, Boeser or Horvat for cap space.

  5. Are you guys going to have HOF inductee Paul McCallum on the show? Good Surrey Boy there!!

  6. Really impressed with the new regime so far. Many difficult decisions still need to be made, but I can see a clearer vision already than the entire time Benning was GM.

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