@Toronto Maple Leafs

[David Alter] Keefe says he had to talk himself from playing Cowan too much because of the other lines: Every time he was out there he was making something happen. Adds he will stick around longer in camp.

[David Alter] Keefe says he had to talk himself from playing Cowan too much because of the other lines: Every time he was out there he was making something happen. Adds he will stick around longer in camp.

by alphacheese


  1. I know he’s only a young one but you ice the best team possible. If the kid deserves it, he deserves it. I know realistically he goes down but he looked like the best player on the ice tonight and that can’t be ignored.

  2. hymensmasher99

    I hope he gets a look for making the team. He was pretty good

  3. Svalbard38

    I’m glad he gets his fair shot, he’s deserved it, I’m looking forward to seeing how far he can go.

  4. nousernamex2

    That’s great. Give him as much as you can this preseason and let him go back and have a strong year in the OHL. Then come back next season with maybe a legitimate shot to make the team out of camp

  5. Seems like a good chance to make Knies/Robertson get their foot on the Gas; keep Cowan around, say he earned the spot, give him 5 games in the show. By then you hope one of the other two figure out how to pull ahead, then send Cowan down to get his top line OHL time for the year.

  6. MeeesterBlue

    this kid has a motor and hes got great hockey sense already. i know the only reason he was considered a reach is because he really only took off in the last bit of the season + playoffs last season with the knights. but clearly hes progressing rapidly and if he keeps it up and grows into a more NHL ready body hes going to be with the big club in 1-2 years

  7. chiefjackmehoff

    Kid looks great, can’t wait to see him on the roster full time.

  8. Big_Albatross_3050

    Easton is doing a darn good job showing that us “reaching” in the 1st for him was actually a good move.

  9. mistermanthrowaway

    The kid had great legs and out skates defenders a few times as well as putting himself into the right places. He did have a slip up in overtime that cost the team a very long possession. A little more size and he wouldn’t have been skated behind the net by the defender on his rush in OT.

  10. BleedingBlue94

    For comparisons sake, Wyatt Johnston made the Stars out of camp last year.

    Granted, he was 19 but he only had 2 years of junior hockey under his belt before that.

    It’s not very often a late first round pick makes it year 1 out of the draft, but it can happen. Now, that being said I believe the best thing for him is to go back to juniors for the year.

  11. TheFuckingSwampKing_

    Was there tonight, kid stood out to me every time he was on the ice

  12. Jaymesned

    It’s one exhibition game. Glad to see the kid showing what can do in his first look, but he’s almost certainly going back to London. He’ll have an outstanding season there, expected to be a top player on a team expected to make a deep playoff run. After watching him with the Knights last year I certainly didn’t think he was a huge reach at 28. He’s got a motor and great hockey sense. Could certainly be an impactful player for us one day. Let’s hope that’s the case!

  13. postmodern_lasagna

    Also worth noting this guy can play C. So if we can’t afford to keep Both Nylander and Tavares, we’d have Cowan or Minten jump in at 3C and help extend our cup window with Matthews and Marner signed

  14. Dry_Welder_6134

    Considering almost everyone in the industry agreed this was a 1st round reach If he’s already pushing for a big team spot this has potential to be one of the best leafs draft pick in ever

  15. postmodern_lasagna

    My biggest takeaway is that Cowan naturally drives play at C whereas Robertson is a high end finisher that is more of a complementary player.
    I’d love to see the two of them on a line together. Could be a solid middle six duo for the future.

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