@Toronto Maple Leafs

James O’Brien versus Max Mosley on Super Injuctions

Max Mosley defends the case that rich famous people should be protected against the news with Super Injunctions. James O’Brien tells him different!

P.S. If you are wondering about James O’Brien’s references to “Homosexuality”, it’s because earlier in the show, Max Mosley referred to it as their “problem”


  1. O'Brien is quite wrong.Female celebrities have in fact taken out super injunctions.Mosley doesn't make the case that rich people should be protected against the news but that certain areas of the lives of ALL people should be.O'Brien famously rushed to judge Lampard & imply he was scum on the basis of a lurid story resulting in Lampard phoning his show to point out his error.

  2. Tactic: Falsely equate A (respectable view) + B (unpopular view), try to force respondent to admit thinking B because he/she thinks A, in order to discredit or ridicule them for holding view A.

    This is James' tactic and I find that almost all left-leaning SJWs employ the same tactics.

    If he gets called out on that, he will just call you names or shout over you and then cut you off. I've seen and heard it over and over again on LBC.

  3. If you espouse a certain public persona and then get caught out to be a hypocrite? A bit like the tory minister and his wife the Hamiltons.Then let the dogs free to bring them down and show their hypocrisy!

  4. O'Brien providing the xenophobic rich twats with a glimpse into the reality of living in the UK. I bet that stung a bit.

  5. One part of me likes and applauds James O’Brien but another feels he takes too moral a high ground forgetting that humans are not perfect. Not being perfect does not make a person a bad person and he seems too ready to put the boot in with understanding and knowing all the facts.

  6. Your description is a crock of shit bud, in the video he clearly states he's not defending that the rich should be allowed to do it he says everyone should and they should cost a lot less than they currently do.

  7. So James, it doesnt matter one jot about an individuals right to privacy nor that the story may not at all be in the public interest???

  8. usually a fan of obrien but I have to disagree. "if you dont want it printed, dont do it". This just way to black amd white. If I decide to send private pictures, it is now illegal to put them online. This is just one obvious law that contradicts his statement.

  9. I really hate O'Brien…in fact I'm gonna set my alarm early tomorrow so I can hate him for a little bit longer.

  10. JOB is always about bigging up his own ego at other people's expense, if Max wants some hanky panky it's up to him and fuck what self righteous gits like JOB think and no, Max's family wasn't harmed by what Max did they were harmed by what the media did.

  11. So even years ago OBrien was totally consumed with self righteousness and obsessed with invented misogyny.

  12. I'm not supporting Mosely as a person, but his suggestion does seem to render O'brien's point moot. O'brien seems to enjoy dealing in gossip just as much as the next person, despite what he might have you believe, it is his career after all.

  13. Not a fan of Mosley but the Presd believe they have the right to print what ever they want about anybody they want. Newspapers have trashed lives for years and will always do so. Sadly people buy them for to see which celeb is shagging which.

  14. Don't watch him often.. but every time I do, I think James O'Brien – smart for few minutes and then gets completely taken away with his own misformed moral sanctimony.
    I mean… what a bullshit line to finish on – even if it did get cheap applause – 'If you don't want it printed, don't do it'… WHAT?!?!! In that case I better not take a shit in my own bathroom ever again!…
    .. also I think Mosely happened to distill and articulate the problem perfectly

  15. JOB got this one completely wrong. What business is it of anybodies what Max Mosley does behind closed doors with consenting adults?
    There are plenty of things we all door in private which are not illegal but we wouldn't want to see in the papers.
    So Max Mosley has a kinky side, I say good for the randy old silver fox! But he should be able to scratch that itch without his children finding out.

  16. Would have liked to have seen the rest of that as I suspect Mosley would have been far too intelligent for O'brien.

  17. James o'brien always comes across as rather unbalanced. He always gets personal, and is constantly suppressing a level of intolerance and anger that is rather unhealthy. He can't debate.

  18. Mosley died on 23 May 2021 after suffering from cancer,[3][154] with the news being confirmed by Bernie Ecclestone. He was 81.

    On 29 March 2022, an inquest into his death confirmed that Mosley was found with a fatal gunshot wound to his head. Mosley had been told that he had just "weeks" to live and told his personal assistant of 20 years that he was going to take his own life the day before he did so.

  19. James uses “the questioning model” and leads people down a path that he wants to take you, rather like a solicitor would be in court

  20. If u have money or status in life u can get away with anything,so called prince Andrew is a prime example, we all could not get bailed out by mammy to the tune of 12 million of taxpayers money,😁😁😁

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